Wednesday, August 14, 2019

8/24/2005 Kirkland Ellis and Bryan Cave to Stabby: "DING! Fag.": 

Trump's Department of Education dingfags student loan holders yet again:    04/05/19  (1)
almost without fail, when i click a twitter link poasted here, i get dingfagged    12/29/18  (2)
Fun Legal Hypo (From Talmud Law Class) - Dingfagged From Jerb    10/16/18  (55)
Would you DINGFAG a FEMALE if she sucked at cooking?    09/27/18  (2)
Cop dingfagged for job due to being weird shut-in basement dweller (link)    09/10/18  (12)
Would you say that someone went to Pritzker or that he was dingfagged by UChi?    09/09/18  (1)
wgwag. dingfag.    07/11/18  (1)
LinkedIn: "your application has been viewed" <><><>DINGFAGG
   05/05/18  (2)
Yeb! to his campaign staff: DINGFAGS!    03/18/18  (18)
why are all azn men named ljldingfag?    01/30/18  (1)
Just got dingfagged from the John Marshall LS Cafe.    01/29/18  (1)
Sell XRP now it got dingfagged by coinbase    12/29/17  (27)
dingfagged my whole extended this year by sending them all the mid tier vitamix    12/28/17  (1)
Lou Whitaker: 74.9 career WAR, DINGFAGGED on first ballot in 2001    11/28/17  (1)
Ireland getting dingfagged by a hurricane    10/16/17  (1)
Alt-Right Parliament responds to cuckcare: dingfag    03/09/17  (1)
ITT we discuss what our response will be if cucks dingfag any of TRUMP's cabinet    12/17/16  (1)
Chinese women sluts for white cock, DINGFAG Japs/Koreans    12/01/16  (4)
Aggressive, creepy AZN/Hapa dingfagged by kewt brunette (Date Lab)    10/29/16  (79)
LIFEHACK: If a job/school dingfags you, file a motion to clarify & reconsider    10/14/16  (4)
Court to Aurora Movie Massacre victims: "DINGFAG, you owe $700k"    09/01/16  (5)
XO Michael Gove hasn't tweeted once since getting DINGFAGGED in leader election    08/29/16  (6)
Do Olympic swimmers ever get DINGFAGGED for not doing the stroke right?    08/14/16  (8)
Why did Ernst and Corker DingFag themselves from VPOTUS?    07/06/16  (3)
DINGFAG, don't bother me, DINGFAG, don't bother me, DINGFAG, don't bother me f    05/25/16  (1)
So Garland is officially dingfagged, right?    05/04/16  (5)
2nd Circuit dingfags Brady.    04/25/16  (2)
JJC: you can stop pretending to be employed now. It's obvious you were dingfaged    03/18/16  (5)
Xo TRUMP dingfags tls Bibi.    12/10/15  (2)
dingfag, libs--turns out Trump was right about Jersey City Muslims    11/24/15  (5)
DINGFAGS! The market is open!    08/24/15  (7)
Rahm's Chicago: 479 teachers are about to get DINGFAG'd    08/10/15  (3)
Two dates in the last 2 days, two dingfags. Will the third time be the charm?    06/07/15  (12)
XO Tom Brady to Mus Bro O: DINGFAG!    04/23/15  (1)
Lateral interview last Thursday. No word. Odds not dingfag'd?    04/17/15  (13)
Is there a polite way to ask to reconsider a dingfagging?    04/16/15  (14)
Pope Francis DINGFAGS Nominated GAY French Amb to the Holy See    04/10/15  (1)
Guy flew in for a one day interview; brought luggage. Dingfag?    03/27/15  (43)
Will be sooo 180 if SCOTUS dingfags Obamacare    03/08/15  (2)
Balding 25 yo engineer DINGFAGS CGWBT for living at home    02/01/15  (58)
This Forrest fella hasn't even read the tactics manuals! DINGFAG    12/05/14  (3)
Does anyone ever get dingfagged for overpoasting?    09/29/14  (2)
Does anyone ever get dingfagged for overbilling?    09/29/14  (9)
Any fags literally been dingfagged from a jerb because of orient    06/19/14  (2)
The Senator aka .com aka .killyourselfyouneverendingfaggo
   02/04/14  (1)
Dingfagged Harvard for UC Merced. Wouldn't change a thing    01/07/14  (1)
hold on let me dingfag that [voters to Mitt Romney]    09/10/12  (1)
Any Chance Sotomayor will dingfag Barry's health law?    03/29/12  (7)
DingFag: First Year Hiring Declining    02/28/12  (1)
Will Chrissie Gorman get DINGfagged by her online stupidity?    02/10/12  (4)

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