Thursday, December 3, 2015

Board minorities, what is our emergency plan?

Date: December 3rd, 2015 11:46 AM
Author: Baby Shoes, never worn (cutthroat baller like oj Simpson )

xo radical white crazies are now talking about fascism and putting people in internment camps (too lazy to look for the internment threads but there are a few)

first Muslims being interned, then the rest of us (I have seen several xo racists argue that slavery/apartheid weren't that big a deal or incompatible with a democratic society)

assuming these feelings spread from places like xo and Stormfromt to IRL what we gon do??!?!

NB: this thread is for the 7.5 minorities on the board. Conservative posters: You have already told me that I'm stupid, look like a horse and do drugs. There is no need to do so again. TY

let's strategize I'm scared :(


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