Sunday, November 1, 2020

The Atlantic publishes long spiel about Dwight from the Office as a warning


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The Atlantic publishes long spiel about Dwight from the Office as a warning
the philosopher Kate Manne’s observations about white ...
lol @ that blather. "journalists" and freelance &q...
just drop an email to this ho Megan Garber mgarber@theatl...
So some Jew shrew has been watching a lot of office lately a...

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Date: November 1st, 2020 6:44 PM
Author: ..,.,.,,,.,.,.,.,.,....,,,,..,.,.,.,

It defines Dwight as exactly what he is: a hypocrite who thinks he’s a hero. Rainn Wilson has described the character he played as “someone who does not hate the system, but has a deep and abiding love for it.” One of The Office’s ongoing jokes, though, is the hollowness of his devotion. “That is the law according to the rules,” Dwight says at one point. He does not stop to consider why “the rules” exist, or whom they serve. Dwight embodies the philosopher Kate Manne’s observations about white male entitlement: When you assume yourself to be naturally entitled to deference or forgiveness or love, the assumption self-rationalizes. Entitlement, too, is tautological.

It is also profoundly consequential. Dwight predicted a world, the writer Sarah Rosenthal observes, that is “defined by anxious men, desperate to feel powerful the way they might have in a bygone era, while insensitive to the humanity of others.” And he anticipated a political condition in which hypocrisy would be so widespread—and so absurdly brazen—as to be atmospheric. Dwight is, in his contours, Mitch McConnell. He is Brian Kemp. He is Donald Trump. He is someone who imposes his will on everyone else and then says, when they object, That is the law according to the rules.


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Date: November 1st, 2020 6:51 PM
Author: ,.,;,;,.;,.;,.;,,,,;,.,;

the philosopher Kate Manne’s observations about white male entitlement: When you assume yourself to be naturally entitled to deference or forgiveness or love, the assumption self-rationalizes. Entitlement, too, is tautological.

So, um, just let EVERYONE "assume themselves" entitled...and, shazam!, everyone IS! It's "tautological"!

Problem solved? Can the snowflakes change their maxipads and stop whining already?



Date: November 1st, 2020 6:47 PM
Author: donny

lol @ that blather. "journalists" and freelance "writers" or whatever are so useless.


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Date: November 1st, 2020 6:53 PM
Author: ,.,;,;,.;,.;,.;,,,,;,.,;

just drop an email to this ho Megan Garber



Date: November 1st, 2020 6:48 PM

So some Jew shrew has been watching a lot of office lately and spun it into some garbage article. What an education!


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