Friday, July 17, 2020

have been <><><>NO MASK<><><> for last week. observations ITT

Date: July 17th, 2020 5:33 PM
Author: clown boner

I used to always wear a mask, even though I hate wearing them and disagree with a lot of the supporting evidence. It seemed like a simple inconvenience for me, that could potentially save the lives of others.I slowly started changing my mind after the BLM protests. My family works in healthcare and it was unconscionable to me how these people could be out protesting on the streets, for no reason, while my family continued to bear the brunt of the crisis.
Then they started attacking and cancelling people who refused to wear a mask. If you have a problem, then don't go near them and don't put your cell phone camera three feet from their face. jfc
Then I saw Tom Hanks, and other liberal icons, make histronic demands for people to wear a mask. Earlier this week I learned that Hanks traveled to Greece for his birthday. Yes, despite the US travel ban (He is an honorary citizen or some bullshit). What was he wearing when he got off the plane? a fucking bespoke faux casual bandana that matches his outfit, like he couldn't afford a mask and grabbed this on his way out.
The icing on the cake was shitlibs ignoring all science and demanding schools stayed closed.
Seeing how dishonest these people were, I couldn't support them. In fact I had to oppose them, so I stopped wearing my mask.
- No employee has said anything to me, in any store. A few fellow customers have said something, but I just ignore them. these people are total NPCs and I have nothing but contempt for them. It's not even worth my time to engage them
- It's so funny walking past a couple and the dude is wearing a mask, no doubt bc his GF made him. over the weekend we were having drinks and one of them approached me and I said "Did your girlfriend make you wear that?" The dude got soooo pissed and wanted to fight me. I said "Whoooaaa bro Covid respect my space. Maybe you should go home if you're too scared"
- overall it has been 180 and this minor act of rebellion gives me a lot of daily satisfaction


Date: July 17th, 2020 5:40 PM
Author: clown boner



Date: July 17th, 2020 5:45 PM
Author: An alpha male strutting through your high school

Oh wow, so alpha! Meanwhile the first world gets to safely resume bars, concerts, and sporting events.



Date: July 17th, 2020 5:51 PM
Author: clown boner

lol we could open tomorrow if liberals werent using kids, young adults, and workers as political pawns for the electionno one is dying of this thing anymore. we've never run out of beds or PPE despite all the liberal hysteria over burying bodies in central park or "NOW THINGS MIGHT GET REALLY BAD". really disgusting how they've weaponized this



Date: July 17th, 2020 5:52 PM
Author: .,.,..,,..,.,.,:,,:,.,.,:::,.,..,:,.,.:.:.,:.::,.

Really? Because there's a rate spike literally around the world. is putting cities back under lockdown. Who exactly is doing so well?



Date: July 17th, 2020 5:55 PM
Author: 8========D~~~

LJL this virus is fraud as FUCK.Old fucks should quarantine. Less bad than the flu for everyone else.



Date: July 17th, 2020 5:58 PM
Author: clown boner

it's so obvious in hindsight. we should have never closed anything, and instead focused resources and social capital on protecting senior homes, hospitals, and high density urban areas where old people have no choicelol at two white 20-somethinge going to get coffee making a difference. if it bothers you that I'm not wearing a mask, make your coffee at home



Date: July 17th, 2020 5:59 PM
Author: 8========D~~~

It's always been obvious. I've been saying this exact same thing since fucing EARLY MARCH.We knew about the age distribution and the fatality rate back then. This whole things is ridiculous. Neither of those have changed.



Date: July 17th, 2020 6:00 PM
Author: 8========D~~~



Date: July 17th, 2020 5:55 PM
Author: Bistro point



Date: July 17th, 2020 6:01 PM
Author: P0astradamus


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