Thursday, September 8, 2016

The Gangnam WGWAG Playboy Chronicles (II)

Date: September 8th, 2016 9:47 PM
Author: nyuug (
18 yr old American girl ridin dat Yellow Monster Gangnam Style)

In this series, I am going to give random snippets of said Gangnam WGWAG Playboy lifestyle.


The smartphone has changed the pussy game for those of us who know how to exploit it.

Traditional dating was always limited by one factor: time. Apps have essentially eliminated this element, allowing for an infinite number of new girls. One way you can view online dating vis a vis regular dating is house poker games vs online poker.

During any given house game, you can go through maybe a couple dozen hands depending on the number of players, pace, etc. In online poker, you can 12 table, track players, etc - essentially you can play an unlimited number of hands.

Now, when you are playing online poker, you have certain algorithms that you follow in order to manage such high volume and still win overall, despite massive swings at times. Online dating is exactly the same, and the key is to know how to filter DTF girls from non-DTF girls.

So how does it work? Simple. Just follow these guidelines:

As a general rule, get her number upon initial contact or no more than 10 minutes after initial contact. Kakao ID is an acceptable substitute, depending on the circumstance.

After getting the #, load her Kakao profile by refreshing immediately after adding her # and establish contact on Kakao. If at any point after getting her #, you suspect that she is fake, ask to voice confirm.

Now, pay close attention.

1. Ask where she lives.

This is important because logistics are important. You can gauge how long a trip from her place to yours will take and, to some degree, her priority relative to your other prospects.

2. Tell her that you have an apartment in (Gangnam).

This conveys status, amongst other things. This lets her gauge distance as well.

3. Ask her when she is free during the week.

Find a date that works for the both of you. Red flag is if she is not available sometime in the next 7 days. This usually means she is meeting other guys and keeping you on the backburner.

4. After confirming the date, tell her to meet at your neighborhood.

This is probably the most important step: if a girl is not willing to come to your neighborhood, she is playing games and the probability of you fucking is near zero.

Essentially, if a girl agrees to come to YOU, it means you are fucking. Plain and simple. Girls will travel for guys they want to fuck.

5. If a girl says she does not want to meet you at your neighborhood you have two choices: walk, or up the ante.

There may be a million reasons why you feel pursuing a particular girl is not worth it. If so, let her go and move on.

But if you feel she is worth pursuing up the ante. Say, "Okay. Since you do not want to come to my neighborhood, I will go ahead and pick you up and we can cab it back to my neighborhood."

If she says no, then you know she was bullshitting from the start. If she says yes, then congratulations. Bite the bullet and pay the cab fare back to your place.

There are a number of other filters but this is the most essential.

Online dating and apps have truly changed the name of the game.


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