Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Houston Texas fraud examiners

  Ever googled a friend from the past and found felony reports?

I've googled 2 of my friends from 5-10 yrs ago (I moved from...
Tantric mental disorder
yeah bro, 10K CC fraud is kind of a big deal, that's well pa...
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what's credit card fraud, stolen card number?
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Yes, a very awesome friend (with benefits) from college. We...
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What exactly do you think you could do for her?
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Then allow me to educated you on what you "do not know....
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I found out one friend was a sex offender. Sexed a 15 year ...
Beta Shaky Elastic Band
How can that be if both are underage?
Tantric mental disorder
Double checked. She was 14.
Beta Shaky Elastic Band
Cot damn that's awful. For the friend I mean.
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Tantric mental disorder
More of a fuckbuddy of a friend of a Facebook "friend&q...
Irate carnelian church
What's his moniker
well-lubricated candlestick maker
LOL, wouldn't actually surprise me. Of course, she's a p...
Irate carnelian church
yeah recently found out a former roommate went to prison and...
snowy stage patrolman
...next week on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous
180 learning disabled mad-dog skullcap bawdyhouse
snowy stage patrolman
Irate carnelian church
one got busted for p&ding
French free-loading idea he suggested wrinkle
I once did a search for a deadbeat friend of mine on local c...
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Yes, several.
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Kid I knew in UG got 5 years in the fed pen for possession o...
fighting wonderful wagecucks dopamine
yea, my wife and i flip through our hometown newspaper's onl...
Deep Athletic Conference
Very good friend from high school felony securities fraud LJ...
Red whorehouse dog poop
Yes. Apparently he got into meth at some point and keeps ge...
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About 25% of my high school friends.
Harsh church building
Once worked with a dumb bitch office manager who bragged tha...
Hateful umber step-uncle's house bbw
What's in employer background check? Credit score and searc...
Exciting gold spot queen of the night
Well...that assumes you actually do a background check and n...
Hateful umber step-uncle's house bbw
I use my lexis account for this. I should probably stop.
Frozen Hilarious Base
in lolschool during legal research class we did a background...
Deep Athletic Conference
cr thought
Irate carnelian church

Poast new message in this thread


Date: September 12th, 2015 9:57 AM
Author: Tantric mental disorder

I've googled 2 of my friends from 5-10 yrs ago (I moved from NYC and lost touch with some people) and so I googled them to see if they're on FB and shit.

Well, two of my female friends have criminal records involving some kind of theft. One of them I located this:

Indictment Count: 001

Felony Class: D

Sentence Length: 5 years 0 months 0 days

Historic Percentage of Time Served for Similar Offenders: no matching historical data

Holy fuck, so she's a felon now? Does that mean she's serving jail time? That really blows, man. This is for credit card fraud, she used about 10,000 fraudulently. It's shocking to find people you liked in the past turning into felons. Van Cam Khang


 van cam khang


hey MDH what happened to that crazy bitch u creampied

saffron home
she has never communicated with me. i saw her 2 weeks ago at...
anal nudist fat ankles
why would u walk away from creampie
saffron home
i was buzzed and shocked i saw her. also shocked see grinder...
anal nudist fat ankles
prob never existed
odious smoky space
she kept not existing
Sepia ratface
Khang was found to have an intimate connection with Michael ...
At-the-ready box office really tough guy

Poast new message in this thread


Date: August 4th, 2014 9:04 PM
Author: saffron home

Van Khang Van Khang cpa Van Khang cfe Van Khang Houston Van Khang Texas



Date: August 4th, 2014 9:06 PM
Author: anal nudist fat ankles

she has never communicated with me. i saw her 2 weeks ago at a club and she grinder on me and i walked away. since then she's made her instagram private so now i'll never see her again and ruined my one chance to creampie again..the chances of another random encounter in ft laud is very small.



Date: August 4th, 2014 9:07 PM
Author: saffron home

why would u walk away from creampie



Date: August 4th, 2014 9:09 PM
Author: anal nudist fat ankles

i was buzzed and shocked i saw her. also shocked see grinder on me, thought she wanted a TRO or some shit.



Date: August 4th, 2014 9:06 PM
Author: odious smoky space

prob never existed




Date: August 4th, 2014 9:06 PM
Author: Sepia ratface

she kept not existing
 Van Khang certified fraud examinerVan Khang auditor



  The most prestigious law school admissions discussion board in the world.
BackRefresh Options Favorite

Been really into Asian whores lately

raceplay with Vina Sky
Lord High Everything Else
female agenda to expose the anus
Dua Lipa
cunt punt
Are they as submissive as regular Asian sluts
creampie eating guy
yeah it's very hard to get non-Asian girls to lick my boihol...
raceplay with Vina Sky
Gross why would you want that you freak
creampie eating guy
Low self esteem, I'm a 32 year old pedophile with b-cup brea...
So we looked at the data
settle down, minheng
raceplay with Vina Sky
it's about pushing boundaries half the fun is making them...
raceplay with Vina Sky
Don't know anything about whores but normie azn chicks seem ...
Vlad Magnus I, Rex Europa
that's like asking why is winter cold
raceplay with Vina Sky
gold pressed latinum

 Poast new message in this thread


Date: January 22nd, 2022 2:45 PM
Author: raceplay with Vina Sky (white power trash valet, llc)



Date: January 22nd, 2022 5:30 PM
Author: Lord High Everything Else



Date: January 22nd, 2022 5:35 PM
Author: '"'""'"''"'



Date: January 22nd, 2022 5:45 PM
Author: female agenda to expose the anus



Date: January 22nd, 2022 6:05 PM
Author: Dua Lipa



Date: January 22nd, 2022 6:07 PM
Author: cunt punt



  Date: January 15th, 2022 11:52 AM

Author: Dick cheese

After 10 guys, only 33% as tight



Date: January 10th, 2022 6:55 PM
Author: malt liquor

Date: January 6th, 2022 6:30 PM
Author: ( : {| ]

It’s all CIA CGI, like President “NoClipThroughMicrophone” Biden

Date: January 5th, 2022 3:34 PM
Author: NSAM 57

Date: January 3rd, 2022 2:24 PM
Author: Non sequitur

linkedin >>>> goinhouse, but for tech mainly

Date: January 1st, 2022 2:22 PM
Author: Insane right-wing gun nut in Kenosha

“Media control.”


Date: December 30th, 2021 10:38 AM

Author: KamalaSexyFineCleverChocolate



Van Khang

Van C. Khang

Van Khang










Khang Advisory



Date: December 9th, 2021 2:37 PM
Author: Insanely Creepy Out-of-control Candlestick Maker


















 Van Khang

 Van Khang

 Van Khang

 Van C. Khang

 Van Khang

 Van Khang



Date: December 28th, 2021 2:58 PM
Author: Refunkulus (I Always Post Always TP)

harsh but fair











Khang Advisory



Date: December 9th, 2021 2:37 PM
Author: Insanely Creepy Out-of-control Candlestick Maker

























Date: January 7th, 2010 12:05 AM
Author: shimmering aromatic mental disorder

let's just say near 4.0 (after self conversion**). I did slightly worse in 2nd semester because I got depressed.
** NYU does not calculate GPA. It merely gives you letter grades.**


Date: January 11th, 2022 5:19 PM
Author: ...,,..,,.,

and then I let my wife not pay any payroll tax federally on her dumb little teaching gig so i had to pay all the fed tax on that too. jfc.

Just shoot me. come to where i am and shoot me right now.








Date: January 22nd, 2022 6:15 PM
Author: creampie eating guy

Are they as submissive as regular Asian sluts



Date: January 22nd, 2022 6:23 PM
Author: raceplay with Vina Sky (white power trash valet, llc)

yeah it's very hard to get non-Asian girls to lick my boihole

even IV drug users won't do it



Date: January 22nd, 2022 6:24 PM
Author: creampie eating guy

Gross why would you want that you freak



Date: January 22nd, 2022 6:25 PM
Author: So we looked at the data

Low self esteem, I'm a 32 year old pedophile with b-cup breasts, how would -you- feel about yourself in my shoes?



Date: January 22nd, 2022 6:27 PM
Author: raceplay with Vina Sky (white power trash valet, llc)

settle down, minheng



Date: January 22nd, 2022 6:25 PM
Author: raceplay with Vina Sky (white power trash valet, llc)

it's about pushing boundaries

half the fun is making them do things they don't want to do



Date: January 22nd, 2022 6:38 PM
Author: Vlad Magnus I, Rex Europa (ein historischer Amerikaner)

Don't know anything about whores but normie azn chicks seem to be super down to eat ass iirc. Why is this? Is it cultural? Seem to remember a bug woman begging to eat my butt in my youth. Why are they like this?



Date: January 22nd, 2022 7:56 PM
Author: raceplay with Vina Sky (white power trash valet, llc)

that's like asking why is winter cold



Date: January 22nd, 2022 6:39 PM
Author: gold pressed latinum




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