Monday, February 7, 2022

The climate change debate is over (video)


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The climate change debate is over (video)
Yeah. This is sort of where we are. The greatest novel...
Johnny Paycheck
To be fair, I always wondered what kind of total fucking ...
To be fair
Okay. Whatever floats your boat.
Johnny Paycheck
Turn yourself in
To be fair
Gay Grandpa
Stopped reading after the fourth comma. He’s dumb but ...
Nutting for Christmas
nice flame but libs actually believe this last paragraph
L'uomo pumo
The economic impact estimates for climate change seem trivia...
5% of the future GDP, which will be much higher than today's...
You can think what you like on it, it isn't going to change ...
Johnny Paycheck
U Montana intellect on display here, perfect midwit
Frank Lloyd Wrong
Not sure sure what that’s supposed to mean but it does...
Johnny Paycheck
what is SAI?
Superior Artificial Intelligence. It may be expressed as AS...
Johnny Paycheck
you are literally retarded
openly non-binary trans preschool teacher
you are welcome to think what you want.
Johnny Paycheck
who gives a fuck what "novelists" think about anyt...
mfcr they make shit up we think idiots like him will like. i...
openly non-binary trans preschool teacher
the conclusions flow from the current carbon figures. These...
Johnny Paycheck
This is spaceporn, right?
thank you for the question senator
It doesn’t matter whether it’s “spaceporn&...
Johnny Paycheck
Lmfao SAI? Nigga SAI might seem like the best option using t...
If I May
I mean; this is the hope. We used to be worried that cit...
Johnny Paycheck
The Drake equation? You mean the equation that estimates the...
If I May
Yeah. I’m just playing around at this point on my own ...
Johnny Paycheck
Incredibly euphoric thread
libs live through fiction
gold pressed latinum
if libs believed even 1% of that, they would go to war again...
Not to mention there would be 500 new nuclear plans under co...
There isn't a single reason not to do this and nuclear is in...
Godefroy de Bouillon
They also might not be buying waterfront homes on Martha&rsq...
No-Vax Djokovic
Ljl the argument that if western societies pull together tha...
Godefroy de Bouillon
Cultural Comment What If We Stopped Pretending? The climat...
Excellent poast. You know full well it exceeds the capacity...
Johnny Paycheck
i cite it ironically. to me it's evidence that the mainstrea...
No one wants to be blamed by the future for not "trying...
Johnny Paycheck
Your view of yourself is amazing. Graduated at the bottom o...
none of your thoughts or misprisions about me have any beari...
Johnny Paycheck
Did it ever occur to you that your ability to develop though...
I mean, I can keep saying it or I can just say again: say w...
Johnny Paycheck
We’re talking about predictions of the world in 50-100...
he’s amazingly deluded
dude, you are warming is bullshit...the data ...
“ During the Protestant Reformation, when “end t...
"In this respect, any movement toward a more just and c...
lol I remember when this dogshit show aired and every 100 iq...
Reality is actually flame now
that show and West Wing were excruciating cringe of shitlib ...
btw, guess who's now building his SECOND ocean front palace?...
LJFL at everyone having to wear a mask except Obama
look at that pic. Obama, patronizingly lecturing guys who de...
Losers like Obama or Trudeau look so uncomfortable with Scum...
Live Free or Die.
To be fair, Rich Libs: "Sea levels will almost certa...
To be fair
I think a place to look would be the insurance premiums on s...
Johnny Paycheck
I own a waterfront property. There is literally no differen...
To be fair, Reminder that desperately insecure striver mi...
To be fair
What does any of that carrying on have to do with the fact t...
Johnny Paycheck
To be fair, The only one fucked around here is your small...
To be fair
Sounds like you don't have anything to contribute to this di...
Johnny Paycheck
cr. The funny thing is libs always have to push their arg...
Again, I think you aren't thinking clearly about what I said...
Johnny Paycheck
What’s the hard evidence for the dystopia thesis you&r...
Not my job. As I said five times now, I'm not here to convi...
Johnny Paycheck
To be fair
To be fair, "We need to stop this acid ra-- er, this...
To be fair
Premiums are typically significantly elevated for beachfront...
Johnny Paycheck
That’s simply not true, again, unless the home is in a...
What I said is true. Carve out whatever floodplain exceptio...
Johnny Paycheck
Floodplains do NOT account for climate change predictions un...
im not "playing a duplicitous game" and what I sai...
Johnny Paycheck
Insurance is higher in hurricane prone places. How high is i...
If I May
Even if people are skeptical about climate change (I am sort...
I think that a shift to nuclear and less dependence on coal ...
Johnny Paycheck
To be fair, Sorry, the cool elite shitlib class no longer...
To be fair
I dont know what is "the cool elite shitlib class"...
Johnny Paycheck
These are the no brainer things that can be achieved without...
You may be right.
Johnny Paycheck
This is the reasonable approach but it means going decisivel...
Just do trust illegal Mexicans to build our nuclear faciliti...
gold pressed latinum
This is a huge gigantic elephant in the room problem that no...
Frank Lloyd Wrong
Burn the coal, pay the toll.
Jose Rogan
i remember in grade school being terrified i was going to be...
earth is on the back of a giant turtle tp
So sea levels were 80 feet higher the last time there was th...
If I May
Not centuries. Not w this rate of co2 increase.
Johnny Paycheck
pls list the cities currently underwater and # of people sur...
I don’t think it’s a situation where it’s ...
Johnny Paycheck
We'll also get huge swaths of presently essentially uninhabi...
the walter white of this generation (walt jr.)
Siberia has polar sunrise sunset cycles, not so good for agr...
Johnny Paycheck
Take one look at the Obama residence and ask if they’r...
very stable genius!
What does that have to do w the point of the poast? Serious...
Johnny Paycheck
He’s saying it’s all a bunch of horseshit and th...
Yeah but how does the kind of house a former president has m...
Johnny Paycheck
It telegraphs that arch-shitlibs know it’s all flame. ...
very stable genius!
I looked at the photos up above. I see a place w sea walls a...
Johnny Paycheck
There are 40 other examples and that sea wall won’t do...
Godefroy de Bouillon
scientific consensus wasn’t always a front for politic...
very stable genius!
What does COVID have to do w the topic at hand though?
Johnny Paycheck
same liars lmao
very stable genius!
In the last eighty years, as CO2 emissions have most rapidly...
Here’s the summary of what has actually happened&md...
Godefroy de Bouillon
Actually the numbers are wrong right at the outset in this p...
Johnny Paycheck
cites: 25. “The Keeling Curve: A Daily Record of Atmo...
This brings us to the oft-cited comment that 97 percent of c...
None of that matters any more though. The point is that we&r...
Johnny Paycheck
this is literal fire and brimstone emotional rhetoric i'd ex...
No see he claims to have hard evidence of this dystopian nig...
Isn't op from an HBO series? Earth's atmosphere has had ...
Cannot fucking wait for warmer Temps, sorry coastcucks
Wilbur Mercer
  02/07/22 much of the world in canada and russia is going to...

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: February 6th, 2022 1:10 PM
Author: ...;.;;.....


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Date: February 6th, 2022 1:20 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

Yeah. This is sort of where we are.

The greatest novelists in their newest books all seem to be saying the same thing. Scientists and philosophers, with the doomsday arguments and scenarios, and assessments of likelihood, all are pretty much saying this. If you are really an "intellectual" with an interest in the height and breadth of current human knowledge, this is correct.

W the carbon levels where they are now, it's as if a great oven has been turned on and is in the preheating stage.

Realistically, the only hope lies in SAI. And that likely will entail a radical transformation of society that won't be pretty.

Whatever you hope for your kids will be obsolete by the time they get to the point of getting to that goal.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 1:23 PM
Author: To be fair (Semi-Retired)

To be fair,

I always wondered what kind of total fucking mentally ill retarded idiot watches shitty kike Tee-Vee propaganda "shows" like this and is like, "Wow that's such a good and scary point, jeez this is really opening my eyes on this incredibly important issue, this shit is completely terrifying this is world ending stuff good lord we really need to shut it all down (not like me personally but the rest of the world) and try to save the world from this catastrophe ASAP, this is insane holy shit holy shit WOW OK hold on what is this show called again I need to keep watching this and also I need to send a clip of this episode out to a bunch of my friends and family to try to open their eyes about this goddamn holy shit fucking CLIMATE CHANGE wow jesus h. fuckin' christ this is unreal crazy how white people and the evils of capitalism sure have done a number on this planet this is so horrible ugh I mean god what about the WHALES?!".

Thanks for clarifying that for me, Spaceporn.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 1:29 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

Okay. Whatever floats your boat.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 1:31 PM
Author: MASE (MASE)

Turn yourself in


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 1:32 PM
Author: To be fair (Semi-Retired)


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Date: February 7th, 2022 6:18 AM
Author: Gay Grandpa


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Date: February 6th, 2022 8:55 PM
Author: Nutting for Christmas

Stopped reading after the fourth comma. He’s dumb but so are you.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 9:30 PM
Author: ;::;:;;::;;;;;::::


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Date: February 6th, 2022 1:24 PM
Author: L'uomo pumo

nice flame but libs actually believe this last paragraph


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 1:43 PM
Author: Gloostick

The economic impact estimates for climate change seem trivial. Something like ~5% of GDP by 2100. And this isn't from some far right source, they used to include this in the IPCC reports. It's the same methodology that won William Nordhaus the nobel prize in economics. It probably isn't even in the top five or ten of meaningful problems that humanity should be focused on solving.

Contrast GDP in 2100 being 5% lower against the country being overrun with sub 90 IQ third worlders or 1000 other more important issues


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Date: February 6th, 2022 1:46 PM
Author: ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,

5% of the future GDP, which will be much higher than today's. small price to pay even if it were true (which it's not).


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Date: February 6th, 2022 1:52 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

You can think what you like on it, it isn't going to change the fact that we've already got carbon at levels that existed a million years before humans ever walked the earth, and that increase occurred almost entirely in the past 30 years.

To be clear, we have never lived in a setting with CO2 levels as high as they are. People didn't evolve in such a setting, civilization didn't develop in such a setting, human fungal resistance didn't evolve in such a setting. Going forward isn't going to be a "gamble" or a "hey we'll just adapt"--it's going to be dystopian. Pretty soon. At this point I think only advanced tech we haven't dreamt of yet could *save* us, but that may be just my own cognitive biases hanging on to some hope about things.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 4:00 PM
Author: .,..,....,...,.,.,....,,....,......,......,,.,.,..

U Montana intellect on display here, perfect midwit


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Date: February 6th, 2022 5:31 PM
Author: Frank Lloyd Wrong


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Date: February 6th, 2022 5:40 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

Not sure sure what that’s supposed to mean but it doesn’t make any difference. The facts are what they are.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 1:51 PM
Author: ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,

what is SAI?


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 1:53 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

Superior Artificial Intelligence. It may be expressed as ASI, artificial Super-intelligence.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 2:01 PM
Author: ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,



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Date: February 6th, 2022 2:54 PM
Author: openly non-binary trans preschool teacher

you are literally retarded


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 2:55 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

you are welcome to think what you want.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 3:07 PM
Author: Pumonymous

who gives a fuck what "novelists" think about anything lmao


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Date: February 6th, 2022 3:10 PM
Author: openly non-binary trans preschool teacher

mfcr they make shit up we think idiots like him will like. its called appealing to the values of your audience


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Date: February 6th, 2022 3:26 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

the conclusions flow from the current carbon figures. These figures haven't been as high in millions of years, when temperature was significantly warmer. the last time carbon figures were nearly as high as they are Right Now, the atlantic ran up through Hampton Roads all the way inland up to and even past Richmond, to use the Virginia shoreline as an example. Florida itself was completely submerged. Those are just two consequences of the last time carbon was so high.

It would be one thing if increased carbon didn't necessarily lead to increased temperatures, and the fact that we know what the temp was the last time carbon was so high.

But the bottom line is precisely because of this carbon issue I have no reason to think that the general premise is wrong, nor do most people who read books generally.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 4:15 PM
Author: thank you for the question senator

This is spaceporn, right?


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 9:05 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

It doesn’t matter whether it’s “spaceporn” or Santa Claus. The point is the point.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 6:57 PM
Author: If I May

Lmfao SAI? Nigga SAI might seem like the best option using today's technology, but I'd bet 2100s technology has something better. Fusion power, for example, is anticipated to come online around 2050 and will almost certainly be available by the end of the century. Even first generation reactors will reduce the cost of electricity enormously, and second and third generation reactors will do so by orders of magnitude. That will make crazy geoengineering project like atmospheric CO2 capture possible using tech like this:


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Date: February 6th, 2022 7:01 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

I mean; this is the hope.

We used to be worried that cities would drown in all the horseshit from carriages; and it was a serious major problem; but then cars came along.

We can only hope at this point, that some new tech will save us; realistically. That and try to do some good for our heirs, meaning all humanity.

Drake equation does not seem to support your general hypothesis, fwiw. Modern drake equations I mean.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 8:37 PM
Author: If I May

The Drake equation? You mean the equation that estimates the number of planets containing intelligent ET life? I was at Greenbank NRAO where he devised that equation.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 8:42 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

Yeah. I’m just playing around at this point on my own tangent. But a thread of thinking is that the reason we don’t see signs of intelligent life in the universe to date may be because the species most inclined to get smart enough to develop tech also have rapacious habits thst cause the destruction of their environments before they are able to adequately reach even K1.

But who knows


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Date: February 6th, 2022 1:22 PM
Author: MASE (MASE)

Incredibly euphoric thread


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Date: February 6th, 2022 1:23 PM
Author: gold pressed latinum

libs live through fiction


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Date: February 6th, 2022 1:35 PM
Author: ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,

if libs believed even 1% of that, they would go to war against China and India.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 2:20 PM
Author: .,..,.,,.,.,..,.,.,.,..,..,..,.,..,,.,.,.,.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 2:27 PM
Author: .,..,.,,.,.,..,.,.,.,..,..,..,.,..,,.,.,.,.

Not to mention there would be 500 new nuclear plans under construction, too.

If climate change is this apocalyptic, they’d get over their squickiness about nuclear easily.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 8:55 PM
Author: Godefroy de Bouillon (HATP)

There isn't a single reason not to do this and nuclear is incredible and a huge advantage as to why America got way ahead of everyone else after WWII


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Date: February 6th, 2022 4:19 PM
Author: No-Vax Djokovic

They also might not be buying waterfront homes on Martha’s Vineyard or in the Hamptons…


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 8:54 PM
Author: Godefroy de Bouillon (HATP)

Ljl the argument that if western societies pull together that we would somehow be able to go after the big dogs (not to mention lots of little African countries that in aggregate are as bad as China and India) is preposterous. We're all trying our own hands behind our backs so we'll have the credibility to stop 2/3rds of the world's producers!


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Date: February 6th, 2022 1:40 PM
Author: ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,

Cultural Comment

What If We Stopped Pretending?

The climate apocalypse is coming. To prepare for it, we need to admit that we can’t prevent it.

By Jonathan Franzen

September 8, 2019

“There is infinite hope,” Kafka tells us, “only not for us.” This is a fittingly mystical epigram from a writer whose characters strive for ostensibly reachable goals and, tragically or amusingly, never manage to get any closer to them. But it seems to me, in our rapidly darkening world, that the converse of Kafka’s quip is equally true: There is no hope, except for us.

I’m talking, of course, about climate change. The struggle to rein in global carbon emissions and keep the planet from melting down has the feel of Kafka’s fiction. The goal has been clear for thirty years, and despite earnest efforts we’ve made essentially no progress toward reaching it. Today, the scientific evidence verges on irrefutable. If you’re younger than sixty, you have a good chance of witnessing the radical destabilization of life on earth—massive crop failures, apocalyptic fires, imploding economies, epic flooding, hundreds of millions of refugees fleeing regions made uninhabitable by extreme heat or permanent drought. If you’re under thirty, you’re all but guaranteed to witness it.

If you care about the planet, and about the people and animals who live on it, there are two ways to think about this. You can keep on hoping that catastrophe is preventable, and feel ever more frustrated or enraged by the world’s inaction. Or you can accept that disaster is coming, and begin to rethink what it means to have hope.

Even at this late date, expressions of unrealistic hope continue to abound. Hardly a day seems to pass without my reading that it’s time to “roll up our sleeves” and “save the planet”; that the problem of climate change can be “solved” if we summon the collective will. Although this message was probably still true in 1988, when the science became fully clear, we’ve emitted as much atmospheric carbon in the past thirty years as we did in the previous two centuries of industrialization. The facts have changed, but somehow the message stays the same.

Psychologically, this denial makes sense. Despite the outrageous fact that I’ll soon be dead forever, I live in the present, not the future. Given a choice between an alarming abstraction (death) and the reassuring evidence of my senses (breakfast!), my mind prefers to focus on the latter. The planet, too, is still marvelously intact, still basically normal—seasons changing, another election year coming, new comedies on Netflix—and its impending collapse is even harder to wrap my mind around than death. Other kinds of apocalypse, whether religious or thermonuclear or asteroidal, at least have the binary neatness of dying: one moment the world is there, the next moment it’s gone forever. Climate apocalypse, by contrast, is messy. It will take the form of increasingly severe crises compounding chaotically until civilization begins to fray. Things will get very bad, but maybe not too soon, and maybe not for everyone. Maybe not for me.

Some of the denial, however, is more willful. The evil of the Republican Party’s position on climate science is well known, but denial is entrenched in progressive politics, too, or at least in its rhetoric. The Green New Deal, the blueprint for some of the most substantial proposals put forth on the issue, is still framed as our last chance to avert catastrophe and save the planet, by way of gargantuan renewable-energy projects. Many of the groups that support those proposals deploy the language of “stopping” climate change, or imply that there’s still time to prevent it. Unlike the political right, the left prides itself on listening to climate scientists, who do indeed allow that catastrophe is theoretically avertable. But not everyone seems to be listening carefully. The stress falls on the word theoretically.

Our atmosphere and oceans can absorb only so much heat before climate change, intensified by various feedback loops, spins completely out of control. Some scientists and policymakers fear that we’re in danger of passing this point of no return if the global mean temperature rises by more than two degrees Celsius (maybe more, but also maybe less). The I.P.C.C.—the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change—tells us that, to limit the rise to less than two degrees, we not only need to reverse the trend of the past three decades. We need to approach zero net emissions, globally, in the next three decades.

This is, to say the least, a tall order. It also assumes that you trust the I.P.C.C.’s calculations. New research, described last month in Scientific American, demonstrates that climate scientists, far from exaggerating the threat of climate change, have underestimated its pace and severity. To project the rise in the global mean temperature, scientists rely on complicated atmospheric modelling. They take a host of variables and run them through supercomputers to generate, say, ten thousand different simulations for the coming century, in order to make a “best” prediction of the rise in temperature. When a scientist predicts a rise of two degrees Celsius, she’s merely naming a number about which she’s very confident: the rise will be at least two degrees. The rise might, in fact, be far higher.

As a non-scientist, I do my own kind of modelling. I run various future scenarios through my brain, apply the constraints of human psychology and political reality, take note of the relentless rise in global energy consumption (thus far, the carbon savings provided by renewable energy have been more than offset by consumer demand), and count the scenarios in which collective action averts catastrophe. The scenarios, which I draw from the prescriptions of policymakers and activists, share certain necessary conditions.

The first condition is that every one of the world’s major polluting countries institute draconian conservation measures, shut down much of its energy and transportation infrastructure, and completely retool its economy. According to a recent paper in Nature, the carbon emissions from existing global infrastructure, if operated through its normal lifetime, will exceed our entire emissions “allowance”—the further gigatons of carbon that can be released without crossing the threshold of catastrophe. (This estimate does not include the thousands of new energy and transportation projects already planned or under construction.) To stay within that allowance, a top-down intervention needs to happen not only in every country but throughout every country. Making New York City a green utopia will not avail if Texans keep pumping oil and driving pickup trucks.

The actions taken by these countries must also be the right ones. Vast sums of government money must be spent without wasting it and without lining the wrong pockets. Here it’s useful to recall the Kafkaesque joke of the European Union’s biofuel mandate, which served to accelerate the deforestation of Indonesia for palm-oil plantations, and the American subsidy of ethanol fuel, which turned out to benefit no one but corn farmers.

Finally, overwhelming numbers of human beings, including millions of government-hating Americans, need to accept high taxes and severe curtailment of their familiar life styles without revolting. They must accept the reality of climate change and have faith in the extreme measures taken to combat it. They can’t dismiss news they dislike as fake. They have to set aside nationalism and class and racial resentments. They have to make sacrifices for distant threatened nations and distant future generations. They have to be permanently terrified by hotter summers and more frequent natural disasters, rather than just getting used to them. Every day, instead of thinking about breakfast, they have to think about death.

Call me a pessimist or call me a humanist, but I don’t see human nature fundamentally changing anytime soon. I can run ten thousand scenarios through my model, and in not one of them do I see the two-degree target being met.

To judge from recent opinion polls, which show that a majority of Americans (many of them Republican) are pessimistic about the planet’s future, and from the success of a book like David Wallace-Wells’s harrowing “The Uninhabitable Earth,” which was released this year, I’m not alone in having reached this conclusion. But there continues to be a reluctance to broadcast it. Some climate activists argue that if we publicly admit that the problem can’t be solved, it will discourage people from taking any ameliorative action at all. This seems to me not only a patronizing calculation but an ineffectual one, given how little progress we have to show for it to date. The activists who make it remind me of the religious leaders who fear that, without the promise of eternal salvation, people won’t bother to behave well. In my experience, nonbelievers are no less loving of their neighbors than believers. And so I wonder what might happen if, instead of denying reality, we told ourselves the truth.

First of all, even if we can no longer hope to be saved from two degrees of warming, there’s still a strong practical and ethical case for reducing carbon emissions. In the long run, it probably makes no difference how badly we overshoot two degrees; once the point of no return is passed, the world will become self-transforming. In the shorter term, however, half measures are better than no measures. Halfway cutting our emissions would make the immediate effects of warming somewhat less severe, and it would somewhat postpone the point of no return. The most terrifying thing about climate change is the speed at which it’s advancing, the almost monthly shattering of temperature records. If collective action resulted in just one fewer devastating hurricane, just a few extra years of relative stability, it would be a goal worth pursuing.

In fact, it would be worth pursuing even if it had no effect at all. To fail to conserve a finite resource when conservation measures are available, to needlessly add carbon to the atmosphere when we know very well what carbon is doing to it, is simply wrong. Although the actions of one individual have zero effect on the climate, this doesn’t mean that they’re meaningless. Each of us has an ethical choice to make. During the Protestant Reformation, when “end times” was merely an idea, not the horribly concrete thing it is today, a key doctrinal question was whether you should perform good works because it will get you into Heaven, or whether you should perform them simply because they’re good—because, while Heaven is a question mark, you know that this world would be better if everyone performed them. I can respect the planet, and care about the people with whom I share it, without believing that it will save me.

More than that, a false hope of salvation can be actively harmful. If you persist in believing that catastrophe can be averted, you commit yourself to tackling a problem so immense that it needs to be everyone’s overriding priority forever. One result, weirdly, is a kind of complacency: by voting for green candidates, riding a bicycle to work, avoiding air travel, you might feel that you’ve done everything you can for the only thing worth doing. Whereas, if you accept the reality that the planet will soon overheat to the point of threatening civilization, there’s a whole lot more you should be doing.

Our resources aren’t infinite. Even if we invest much of them in a longest-shot gamble, reducing carbon emissions in the hope that it will save us, it’s unwise to invest all of them. Every billion dollars spent on high-speed trains, which may or may not be suitable for North America, is a billion not banked for disaster preparedness, reparations to inundated countries, or future humanitarian relief. Every renewable-energy mega-project that destroys a living ecosystem—the “green” energy development now occurring in Kenya’s national parks, the giant hydroelectric projects in Brazil, the construction of solar farms in open spaces, rather than in settled areas—erodes the resilience of a natural world already fighting for its life. Soil and water depletion, overuse of pesticides, the devastation of world fisheries—collective will is needed for these problems, too, and, unlike the problem of carbon, they’re within our power to solve. As a bonus, many low-tech conservation actions (restoring forests, preserving grasslands, eating less meat) can reduce our carbon footprint as effectively as massive industrial changes.

All-out war on climate change made sense only as long as it was winnable. Once you accept that we’ve lost it, other kinds of action take on greater meaning. Preparing for fires and floods and refugees is a directly pertinent example. But the impending catastrophe heightens the urgency of almost any world-improving action. In times of increasing chaos, people seek protection in tribalism and armed force, rather than in the rule of law, and our best defense against this kind of dystopia is to maintain functioning democracies, functioning legal systems, functioning communities. In this respect, any movement toward a more just and civil society can now be considered a meaningful climate action. Securing fair elections is a climate action. Combatting extreme wealth inequality is a climate action. Shutting down the hate machines on social media is a climate action. Instituting humane immigration policy, advocating for racial and gender equality, promoting respect for laws and their enforcement, supporting a free and independent press, ridding the country of assault weapons—these are all meaningful climate actions. To survive rising temperatures, every system, whether of the natural world or of the human world, will need to be as strong and healthy as we can make it.

And then there’s the matter of hope. If your hope for the future depends on a wildly optimistic scenario, what will you do ten years from now, when the scenario becomes unworkable even in theory? Give up on the planet entirely? To borrow from the advice of financial planners, I might suggest a more balanced portfolio of hopes, some of them longer-term, most of them shorter. It’s fine to struggle against the constraints of human nature, hoping to mitigate the worst of what’s to come, but it’s just as important to fight smaller, more local battles that you have some realistic hope of winning. Keep doing the right thing for the planet, yes, but also keep trying to save what you love specifically—a community, an institution, a wild place, a species that’s in trouble—and take heart in your small successes. Any good thing you do now is arguably a hedge against the hotter future, but the really meaningful thing is that it’s good today. As long as you have something to love, you have something to hope for.

In Santa Cruz, where I live, there’s an organization called the Homeless Garden Project. On a small working farm at the west end of town, it offers employment, training, support, and a sense of community to members of the city’s homeless population. It can’t “solve” the problem of homelessness, but it’s been changing lives, one at a time, for nearly thirty years. Supporting itself in part by selling organic produce, it contributes more broadly to a revolution in how we think about people in need, the land we depend on, and the natural world around us. In the summer, as a member of its C.S.A. program, I enjoy its kale and strawberries, and in the fall, because the soil is alive and uncontaminated, small migratory birds find sustenance in its furrows.

There may come a time, sooner than any of us likes to think, when the systems of industrial agriculture and global trade break down and homeless people outnumber people with homes. At that point, traditional local farming and strong communities will no longer just be liberal buzzwords. Kindness to neighbors and respect for the land—nurturing healthy soil, wisely managing water, caring for pollinators—will be essential in a crisis and in whatever society survives it. A project like the Homeless Garden offers me the hope that the future, while undoubtedly worse than the present, might also, in some ways, be better. Most of all, though, it gives me hope for today.

[A previous version of this article mischaracterized the scientific consensus around a “point of no return.”]

Jonathan Franzen is a frequent contributor to The New Yorker and the author of, most recently, the novel “Purity.”


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 1:42 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

Excellent poast. You know full well it exceeds the capacity of many here to read and process this though.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 1:49 PM
Author: ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,

i cite it ironically. to me it's evidence that the mainstream environmental voices don't believe what they are saying to the public.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 1:54 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

No one wants to be blamed by the future for not "trying" harder.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 2:03 PM
Author: QueenLaBEEFah

Your view of yourself is amazing. Graduated at the bottom of your LS class and ended up in shit law in a 3rd tier city. I know where you live (no outting) and it’s a decent middle class area with like $300k houses and yours is a dump. Oh, and you have a disorder that is known to lower IQ. LOL can’t make this shit up.

I realize this place isn’t what it used to be, but there’s still a ton of us here who went to better schools, got better grades, ended up way more successful than you, and are exponentially more wealthy. But to your pea brain, we’re all the dumb ones and you’ve managed to figure it out. And by figuring it out, I mean accepting hook, line and sinker any lib talking point you can get your hands on (oh, except you’re a big racist who thinks blacks are dumb as shit lol).

Isn’t it possible that you have a certain I’ll-informed lib worldview, and you’re too dumb to realize you’re reading propaganda that is preying upon your knee jerk confirmation bias? Or do you truly believe that you’re a genius here despite what everything else in your life is telling you?


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 2:11 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

none of your thoughts or misprisions about me have any bearing on the subject at hand though. It is what it is. It doesn't make any difference to me whether you acknowledge reality or not.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 2:13 PM
Author: QueenLaBEEFah

Did it ever occur to you that your ability to develop thoughts about “reality” based on others’ predictions of the future may be compromised by your mediocre IQ and logical reasoning skills?


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 2:15 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

I mean, I can keep saying it or I can just say again: say what you want about me--it doesn't change the facts on climate change.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 2:29 PM
Author: QueenLaBEEFah

We’re talking about predictions of the world in 50-100 years. Show me the facts that make your dystopia a certainty.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 4:03 PM
Author: .,..,....,...,.,.,....,,....,......,......,,.,.,..

he’s amazingly deluded


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Date: February 7th, 2022 6:23 AM
Author: TEEN W0LF

dude, you are warming is bullshit...the data is faked, plus we live on an ICE PLANET that is overdue for an ice all the bad stuff is coming from the third world...we have no power over it should be clear that liberal proles are basically meat robots blindly repeating whatever propaganda the media hands them


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Date: February 6th, 2022 2:27 PM
Author: .,..,.,,.,.,..,.,.,.,..,..,..,.,..,,.,.,.,.

“ During the Protestant Reformation, when “end times” was merely an idea, not the horribly concrete thing it is today, a key doctrinal question was whether you should perform good works because it will get you into Heaven, or whether you should perform them simply because they’re good—because, while Heaven is a question mark, you know that this world would be better if everyone performed them.”

What a terrible description of Reformation theology. Total hack.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 3:12 PM
Author: Pumonymous

"In this respect, any movement toward a more just and civil society can now be considered a meaningful climate action. Securing fair elections is a climate action. Combatting extreme wealth inequality is a climate action. Shutting down the hate machines on social media is a climate action. Instituting humane immigration policy, advocating for racial and gender equality, promoting respect for laws and their enforcement, supporting a free and independent press, ridding the country of assault weapons—these are all meaningful climate actions."

Wow, weird how preventing the imminent climate apocalypse entails implementing every irrelevant left-wing policy goal from taking away your guns to "racial equality"! Let me guess: "humane immigration policy" means mass-importing more third-worlders into every developed country other than Israel, thereby massively increasing their ecological footprint?


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2022 12:37 AM
Author: ??,.,,??????.,,,,.,,,?.,


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Date: February 6th, 2022 1:41 PM
Author: Reality is actually flame now

lol I remember when this dogshit show aired and every 100 iq lib would post Youtubes of these cringeworthy monologues. Pathetic


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 1:44 PM
Author: ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,

that show and West Wing were excruciating cringe of shitlib fantasies.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 1:45 PM
Author: ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,

btw, guess who's now building his SECOND ocean front palace?


EXCLUSIVE: Trouble in paradise? Scowling Barack Obama inspects the construction of his new multimillion-dollar Hawaii mansion and controversial sea wall which his neighbors fear will erode the beachline

Construction appears to be well underway on Barack Obama's Hawaii beachfront compound

Obama was pictured speaking to builders and architects from a local island-based building firm

The former President did not look happy in photos snapped of him as he spoke with the construction crew

Obama could be seen with his arms folder and making pointed gestures before turning around to walk inside

His close friend and confidant Marty Nesbitt purchased property for $8.7 million in 2015

Previously, the site was home to the famous mansion from Magnum PI TV series which was torn down

In 2020 it was revealed how the buyer of the three-acre plot of land used a planning loophole to preserve a century-old sea wall on the beachfront, much to the annoyance of neighbors and environmentalists

Experts say such sea walls contribute to beach erosion and can damage the coastal environment


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 1:47 PM
Author: ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,


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Date: February 6th, 2022 1:47 PM
Author: ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,


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Date: February 6th, 2022 3:26 PM
Author: cannon

LJFL at everyone having to wear a mask except Obama


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Date: February 6th, 2022 8:45 PM
Author: ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,

look at that pic. Obama, patronizingly lecturing guys who deeply know their field of expertise.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 9:25 PM
Author: The ELENA KAGAN JUGGERNAUT (unvaccinated)

Losers like Obama or Trudeau look so uncomfortable with Scumbags.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 1:59 PM
Author: Live Free or Die.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 1:53 PM
Author: To be fair (Semi-Retired)

To be fair,

Rich Libs: "Sea levels will almost certainly rise at least 20 feet in the next 50 years, it's a catastrophe of unprecedented proportions, if we want to save even a fraction of the world at this point then EVERYONE needs to learn to live in pods and eat bugs immediately (OK, like, I mean not us specifically, but almost everyone else) or else we're all gonna die!"

Also Rich Libs: "OMG check out this SICK new seaside multimillion dollar house I just bought right on the Malibu coast sunglassesemoji.jpg!"

See also:


Also Rich Libs: "Cheryl are you kidding me? Of COURSE Becca is going to go to college, this isn't even a debate! What do you want her to grow up to be, a fucking plumber or something?! I'll talk to Dad and see if he can pull a few strings at Haverford, you know that he has those conne..."

Almost as if...


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Date: February 6th, 2022 1:57 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

I think a place to look would be the insurance premiums on such places. The calculations of insurance premiums don't fuck around.

But I'm not here to make friends or to argue the subject w anyone. Believe what you want.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 2:08 PM
Author: QueenLaBEEFah

I own a waterfront property. There is literally no difference in insurance premiums unless you live in a 100 year floodplain, which does not taken into account any climate change forecasting.

I literally pay the same premium for that house as I would if it were miles inland, and if climate change predictions are correct, it’ll be gone in a few decades. HTH.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 2:14 PM
Author: To be fair (Semi-Retired)

To be fair,

Reminder that desperately insecure striver midwit shitlib useful idiots like Spaceporn who completely buy into the "climate change" fraud that is strategically pushed by the psychopathic liberal elite class -- a laughable lie that none of the shitlib elites actually believe in themselves (as can be easily proven by just considering their own behavior, i.e., how they all continue to fly around on private jets... how they all still choose to spend their money buying insanely expensive oceanfront properties... etc etc etc.) -- not only think that you're a fool for not buying that bullshit, but they consider *themselves* to be member of the liberal elite class *precisely because* they stupidly buy into this obvious hoax (completely oblivious to the fact that the actual liberal elite class is snickering at their idiocy behind the closed doors of their seaside palatial estates).

But you're the dumb and gullible one! It's definitely you, it's definitely not me! I mean, do you *even* hold a single incredibly overpriced graduate degree (wisely purchase using non-dischargable student loans) from a school of middling prestige, bro?! Sure you're a self-employed plumber making twice the money I pull in every year, but what are your *credentials*? (Actual rich liberal elite class members Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg pretending to nod in agreement even as they inwardly chuckle at the idea that having "a degree" matters, since neither of them ever bothered to finish one, but I'm just repeating myself now...)


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 2:18 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

What does any of that carrying on have to do with the fact that we are fucked no matter what action we take at this point.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 2:19 PM
Author: To be fair (Semi-Retired)

To be fair,

The only one fucked around here is your small adopted Asian son, and I choose to believe that action will eventually be taken about that situation.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 2:19 PM
Author: MASE (MASE)


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Date: February 6th, 2022 2:20 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

Sounds like you don't have anything to contribute to this discussion and refuse to stay on track about it. My point stands.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 2:20 PM
Author: QueenLaBEEFah


The funny thing is libs always have to push their arguments until theyre untenable. Protecting the environment should be one of libs’ cornerstone achievements of the past 50 years. Our water and air are both way cleaner today because of the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act. More people are driving electric cars than ever, using solar/wind power, etc. whether for virtue signaling or otherwise, the free market is making the world less polluted. That’s a good thing. No one is forced to do it. Whether you’re a histrionic lib climate trigger or just into conservation/hunting, more power to everyone who wants to do that.

Not good enough for libs. We need to impose draconian rules NOW. If we don’t, we’ll be living in Mad Max. There is *zero* support for this thesis. Spaceporn loves repeating it, but there’s no evidence. It’s also the same thesis they’ve been bleating since the early 90s and it was supposed to happen by now. It hasn’t. So instead they discredit themselves.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 2:23 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

Again, I think you aren't thinking clearly about what I said. Where do i say we need to impose draconian regs now or dystopia? It's as if you can't respond substantively to anything unless you mischaracterize either the speaker or his argument.

I'm saying quite clearly that it's too late. no matter what we do we have fucked it all up with so much free carbon, and dystopia is what we can pretty much expect at this point.

Who will future generations blame? All of us to some degree, probably.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 2:27 PM
Author: QueenLaBEEFah

What’s the hard evidence for the dystopia thesis you’re arguing for? Don’t cite the propaganda above — that’s just people spouting talking points. Give me the hard evidence.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 2:29 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

Not my job. As I said five times now, I'm not here to convince or write a dissertation. It is what it is.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 2:31 PM
Author: QueenLaBEEFah



Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 2:39 PM
Author: To be fair (Semi-Retired)


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Date: February 6th, 2022 2:24 PM
Author: To be fair (Semi-Retired)

To be fair,

"We need to stop this acid ra-- er, this global warmi-- ugh, this CLIMATE CHANGE before it's too late! The smart rich man in a suit on the TeeVee screen who I idolize because I am a pathetic striver follower desperate for social validation from those I perceive as being 'elite' told me so, and I am also a smart man and I also own a suit and I believe that I too can be rich one day, and I really really really really REALLY want you all to respect me just like society clearly respects that man on the TeeVee, so therefore I make sure to loudly agree with him on this important issue which he said is very important and which I therefore now genuinely care about a lot, just like him! He and I have a lot in common, actually, when you really stop and think about it! I'll be we would get along very well if we ever met! I hope we do meet one day, that would be cool and the more I think about it the more I think it might just happen, maybe like at a fancy rich person party or at a gala or something or maybe even at a yacht convention or a..."


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 4:16 PM
Author: .,..,....,...,.,.,....,,....,......,......,,.,.,..


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 4:11 PM
Author: .,..,....,...,.,.,....,,....,......,......,,.,.,..


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Date: February 6th, 2022 2:16 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

Premiums are typically significantly elevated for beachfront homes.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 2:23 PM
Author: QueenLaBEEFah

That’s simply not true, again, unless the home is in a flood plain. For homes on certain hurricane-prone barrier islands of course they may be elevated, but interestingly, despite the lib bleating that climate change makes hurricanes worse, those premiums haven’t gone up to reflect that thesis.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 2:28 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

What I said is true. Carve out whatever floodplain exceptions you like, (hoping I wont point out that 100 year floodplain definitions have changed recently to accommodate climate change) and add in whatever new arguments you want to put in about the force of increased hurricanes not being adequately captured by insurance premiums, but it doesn't change the fact or truth of what I said.

I'm done saying the same thing over and over and having you deliberately misstate, attack me personally, defame me, mischaracterize my point, deny the truth on the matters, etc. As I said, I don't care. I'm not here to convince you or anyone else of the truth of the proposition that we are fucked.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 2:31 PM
Author: QueenLaBEEFah

Floodplains do NOT account for climate change predictions unless you’re playing some duplicitous game. These predictions claim catastrophic sea level rise. You buy into them because you believe a dystopia is coming.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 2:52 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

im not "playing a duplicitous game" and what I said was correct. But believe what you feel comfortable with.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 8:39 PM
Author: If I May

Insurance is higher in hurricane prone places. How high is it in Kennebunkport?


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Date: February 6th, 2022 2:24 PM
Author: Refunkulus (I Always Post Always TP)

Even if people are skeptical about climate change (I am sort of in that camp) - we need to phase out coal and massively increase nuclear power development. Oil and NatGas will stay where they are for a while, but getting rid of coal and increasing nuclear energy makes much much more sense.

There’s also nothing wrong with not believing in the climate change narrative but wanting to clean up the environment.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 2:31 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

I think that a shift to nuclear and less dependence on coal is a good idea, if only to try to keep the air free of dangerous particulate.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 2:36 PM
Author: To be fair (Semi-Retired)

To be fair,

Sorry, the cool elite shitlib class no longer likes or supports nuclear power these days. Not flame. You're self-outing as a dumb poor ignorant prole, better edit this and update your "prestige programming" quick before someone who matters comes along and sees this faux pas!


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 2:39 PM
Author: Refunkulus (I Always Post Always TP)



Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 2:48 PM
Author: .,..,.,,.,.,..,.,.,.,..,..,..,.,..,,.,.,.,.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 2:54 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

I dont know what is "the cool elite shitlib class" or what this alleged group allegedly supports or doesn;t support presumably in unison but a shift to nuclear power seems to make sense, as discussed above.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 2:37 PM
Author: Refunkulus (I Always Post Always TP)

These are the no brainer things that can be achieved without the imposition of insane tyranny on the global population.

Same thing with that gut bacteria innovation that makes cows have less methanous farts - which I believe is not as big a deal as it is made out to be - factory farming itself is the problem in this case, most farms were self contained systems that sequestered carbon very well before factory farming which is raping the land long term.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 2:50 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

You may be right.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 2:48 PM
Author: .,..,.,,.,.,..,.,.,.,..,..,..,.,..,,.,.,.,.

This is the reasonable approach but it means going decisively all in on nuclear and many libs hate nuclear.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 6:39 PM
Author: gold pressed latinum

Just do trust illegal Mexicans to build our nuclear facilities while aa niggers overwatch


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Date: February 6th, 2022 8:35 PM
Author: Refunkulus (I Always Post Always TP)

This is a huge gigantic elephant in the room problem that no one will freely acknowledge.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 8:52 PM
Author: Frank Lloyd Wrong


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Date: February 6th, 2022 2:39 PM
Author: Jose Rogan

Burn the coal, pay the toll.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 4:22 PM
Author: earth is on the back of a giant turtle tp (gunneratttt)

i remember in grade school being terrified i was going to be dead by now because everyone was saying that the rainforest deforestation was going to deplete oxygen to the point many wouldn't survive. i also remember extremely dire predictions that by 2020 because of global warming we'd certainly be seeing the effects of what was described in this video.

at the end of the day, it doesn't even seem to be something worth thinking about. maybe these predictions will come true or maybe they're exaggerated to spurn people into action. i'm a fag and keep my carbon footprint pretty low. i'm supportive of policies to reduce carbon emissions. but the global elite that actually have the power to do anything don't seem to give a shit and there is very little i can do to move the needle. they set the policy and generate hundreds fold more carbon than i do. so, all any ordinary person can do is sit back and go "haha wow yeah" and see what happens.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 6:39 PM
Author: If I May

So sea levels were 80 feet higher the last time there was this much atmospheric CO2, and 50% of the human population lives within 120 miles of an ocean. Oh, and humans can't breathe underwater.

Even if these alarmist projections are accurate, which hasn't been the case so far with alarmist projections, it's not as if sea levels are going to rise 80' in a matter of minutes; that's what we call a tsunami. They're projected to rise over the course of centuries. Lmao does this dude think people aren't capable of moving inland?


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Date: February 6th, 2022 6:42 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

Not centuries. Not w this rate of co2 increase.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 7:22 PM
Author: Gloostick

pls list the cities currently underwater and # of people surprise drowned because of rapid CO2 increases


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Date: February 6th, 2022 9:03 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

I don’t think it’s a situation where it’s either Right Now or Centuries from now. I think it’s happening now and the consequences are felt now and will be felt more in the coming decades.

As for examples, pacific island nations are underwater now. Have you been to Venice lately? St Marks plaza is routinely under two feet of water now. The eastern seaboard is dealing w new sea walls, beach remediation, flooding on a routine basis.

Gloostick you can’t be serious with this schtick which is why I ignored it for a few minutes


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Date: February 6th, 2022 9:08 PM
Author: the walter white of this generation (walt jr.)

We'll also get huge swaths of presently essentially uninhabitable land in siberia and canada back, and increasing desertification will cause the sahara to squeeze down many of the fasting growing areas of Africa, greatly retarding growth.

I hope that projections are true. Humanity needs this.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 9:11 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

Siberia has polar sunrise sunset cycles, not so good for agriculture or for the Muslim world population, and desertification will drive mass migration. We can put spin on the fuckedness of our future, but we are definitely fucked.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 9:00 PM
Author: very stable genius! (🐾👣)

Take one look at the Obama residence and ask if they’re gravely concerned about an imminent, irreversible climate disaster.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 9:04 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

What does that have to do w the point of the poast? Seriously.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 9:36 PM
Author: The ELENA KAGAN JUGGERNAUT (unvaccinated)

He’s saying it’s all a bunch of horseshit and the people pushing it know it


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 10:01 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

Yeah but how does the kind of house a former president has make it more or less likely that we are fucked already by what climate change is going to do to us? The carbon count is what it is. Somebody’s house isn’t going to change that.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 10:06 PM
Author: The ELENA KAGAN JUGGERNAUT (unvaccinated)

It telegraphs that arch-shitlibs know it’s all flame. It’s just like when you see them going places massless, surrounded by people wearing masks.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 10:09 PM
Author: very stable genius! (🐾👣)



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Date: February 6th, 2022 10:13 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

I looked at the photos up above. I see a place w sea walls all around, including on the beach. Is that what you were referring to? How does that show that climate change isn’t real again?


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2022 6:58 AM
Author: The ELENA KAGAN JUGGERNAUT (unvaccinated)

There are 40 other examples and that sea wall won’t do anything against the extent of rising sea levels that shitlibs are pontificating about


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 10:15 PM
Author: Godefroy de Bouillon (HATP)


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Date: February 6th, 2022 10:09 PM
Author: very stable genius! (🐾👣)

scientific consensus wasn’t always a front for political conspiracy but covid removed all doubt


Reply Favorite

Date: February 6th, 2022 10:14 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

What does COVID have to do w the topic at hand though?


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Date: February 6th, 2022 10:19 PM
Author: very stable genius! (🐾👣)

same liars lmao


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Date: February 6th, 2022 9:13 PM

In the last eighty years, as CO2 emissions have most rapidly escalated, the annual rate of climate-related deaths worldwide fell by an incredible rate of 98 percent.41 That means the incidence of death from climate is fifty times lower than it was eighty years ago.

Once again, the leading experts we were told to rely on were 100 percent wrong. It’s not that they predicted disaster and got half a disaster—it’s that they predicted disaster and got dramatic improvement. Clearly, something was wrong with their thinking and we need to understand what it is because they are once again telling us to stop using the most important energy source in our civilization. And we are listening.

Why did so many predict increasing climate danger when the reality turned out to be increasing climate safety as we used more fossil fuels? Once again, they didn’t think big picture—they seemed to be looking only at potential risks of fossil fuels, not the benefits. Clearly, as the climate-related death data show, there were some major benefits—namely, the power of fossil-fueled machines to build a durable civilization that is highly resilient to extreme heat, extreme cold, floods, storms, and so on. Why weren’t those mentioned in the discussion when we talked about storms like Sandy and Irene, even though anyone going through those storms was far more protected from them than he or she would have been a century ago?


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Date: February 6th, 2022 10:07 PM

Here’s the summary of what has actually happened—a summary that nearly every climate scientist would have to agree with. Since the industrial revolution, we’ve increased CO2 in the atmosphere from .03 percent to .04 percent, and temperatures have gone up less than a degree Celsius, a rate of increase that has occurred at many points in history.25 Few deny that during the last fifteen-plus years, the time of record and accelerating emissions, there has been little to no warming—and the models failed to predict that.26 By contrast, if one assumed that CO2 in the atmosphere had no major positive feedbacks, and just warmed the atmosphere in accordance with the greenhouse effect, this mild warming is pretty much what one would get.

Thus every prediction of drastic future consequences is based on speculative models that have failed to predict the climate trend so far and that speculate a radically different trend than what has actually happened in the last thirty to eighty years of emitting substantial amounts of CO2. And we have not even explored the complete failure to make accurate predictions about climate changes in specific regions, which is what really matters in assessing and adapting to any climate-related threats.

If a climate prediction model can’t predict climate, it is not a valid model—and predictions made on the basis of such a model are not scientific. Those whose models fail but still believe their core hypothesis right still need to acknowledge their failure. If they believe that their hypothesis is right and that complete lack of dramatic warming is just the calm before the storm, they should state all the evidence pro and con.

Unfortunately, many of the scientists, scientific bodies, and especially public intellectuals and media members have not been honest with the public about the failure of their predictions. Like all too many who are attached to a theory that ends up contradicting reality, they have tried to pretend that reality is different from what it is, to the point of extreme and extremely dangerous dishonesty.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 10:11 PM
Author: Godefroy de Bouillon (HATP)


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Date: February 6th, 2022 10:14 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

Actually the numbers are wrong right at the outset in this passage you quote without cites. The reasoning is terrible as well. That’s not honest about the data nor is it actually what is happening or has happened.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 11:05 PM


25. “The Keeling Curve: A Daily Record of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide from Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego,” June 8, 2014,

26. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Institute for Space Studies, “Global Land-Ocean Temperature Index,” GISS Surface Temperature Plots, May 12, 2014,


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Date: February 6th, 2022 10:09 PM

This brings us to the oft-cited comment that 97 percent of climate scientists agree that there is global warming and that human beings are the main cause.30

First of all, this statement itself, even if it were true, is deliberately manipulative. The reason we care about recent global warming or climate change is not simply that human beings are allegedly the main cause. It’s the allegation that man-made warming will be extremely harmful to human life. The 97 percent claim says nothing whatsoever about magnitude or catastrophe. If we’re the main cause of the mild warming of the last century or so, that does not begin to resemble anything that would justify taking away our machine food.

But note how when I quoted John Kerry earlier, he went from “97 percent of climate scientists have confirmed that climate change is happening and that human activity is responsible” to “they agree that, if we continue to go down the same path that we are going down today, the world as we know it will change—and it will change dramatically for the worse.”31 Even in the 97 percent studies, which we’ll look at in a moment, there is nothing resembling “97 percent of climate scientists have confirmed that . . . the world as we know it will change . . . dramatically for the worse.” Kerry is pulling a bait and switch—using alleged agreement about a noncatastrophic prediction about climate to gain false authority for his catastrophic prediction about climate—and the anti–fossil fuel policies he wants to pass at home and abroad.

Unfortunately, this is very common. On his Twitter account, President Obama tweeted. “Ninety-seven percent of scientists agree: #climate change is real, man-made and dangerous.”32 There was no “dangerous” in the alleged agreement—and it wasn’t “scientists,” it was “climate scientists.” This sloppy use of “science” as an authority, practiced by politicians of all parties, guarantees that we make bad, unscientific decisions.

On top of that, it turns out that the relatively mild “agreement” of the 97 percent is also a complete fabrication—which almost no one knows, because we’re taught to obey authorities rather than have them advise us with clear explanations.

One of the main papers behind the 97 percent claim is authored by John Cook, who runs the popular Web site, a virtual encyclopedia of arguments trying to defend predictions of catastrophic climate change from all challenges.

Here is Cook’s summary of his paper: “Cook et al. (2013) found that over 97 percent [of papers he surveyed] endorsed the view that the Earth is warming up and human emissions of greenhouse gases are the main cause.”33

This is a fairly clear statement—97 percent of the papers surveyed endorsed the view that man-made greenhouse gases were the main cause—main in common usage meaning more than 50 percent.

But even a quick scan of the paper reveals that this is not the case.

Cook is able to demonstrate only that a relative handful endorse “the view that the Earth is warming up and human emissions of greenhouse gases are the main cause.” Cook calls this “explicit endorsement with quantification” (quantification meaning 50 percent or more). The problem is, only a small percentage of the papers fall into this category; Cook does not say what percentage, but when the study was publicly challenged by economist David Friedman, one observer calculated that only 1.6 percent explicitly stated that man-made greenhouse gases caused at least 50 percent of global warming.34

Where did most of the 97 percent come from, then? Cook had created a category called “explicit endorsement without quantification”—that is, papers in which the author, by Cook’s admission, did not say whether 1 percent or 50 percent or 100 percent of the warming was caused by man.35 He had also created a category called “implicit endorsement,” for papers that imply (but don’t say) that there is some man-made global warming and don’t quantify it.36 In other words, he created two categories that he labeled as endorsing a view that they most certainly didn’t.

The 97 percent claim is a deliberate misrepresentation designed to intimidate the public—and numerous scientists whose papers were classified by Cook protested:

“Cook survey included 10 of my 122 eligible papers. 5/10 were rated incorrectly. 4/5 were rated as endorse rather than neutral.”

—Dr. Richard Tol37

“That is not an accurate representation of my paper . . .”

—Dr. Craig Idso38

“Nope . . . it is not an accurate representation.”

—Dr. Nir Shaviv39

“Cook et al. (2013) is based on a strawman argument . . .”

—Dr. Nicola Scafetta40

Think about how many times you hear that 97 percent or some similar figure thrown around. It’s based on crude manipulation propagated by people whose ideological agenda it serves. It is a license to intimidate.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 10:20 PM
Author: Johnny Paycheck

None of that matters any more though. The point is that we’ve put enough greenhouse gas into the atmosphere to have fucked our selves into a dystopian hellscape within the lifetime of our children. It’s too late. The manufacturers of dissent won. We are already doomed. What we do now doesn’t make a difference. Weve already ruined our species future.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 11:07 PM

this is literal fire and brimstone emotional rhetoric i'd expect from a stereotypical religious zealot. it has absolutely nothing to do with science, reason, logical thinking, data, research, evidence, reasonable methodology, etc.


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Date: February 7th, 2022 6:14 AM
Author: QueenLaBEEFah

No see he claims to have hard evidence of this dystopian nightmare but it’s not his job to share it with us.


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Date: February 6th, 2022 11:38 PM
Author: OldHLSDude

Isn't op from an HBO series?

Earth's atmosphere has had much higher concentrations of CO2 over hundreds of millions of years, so obviously more things influence atmospheric CO2 than just human activity, though the run up we have seen in the last couple of centuries is probably mostly due to burning stuff. During the Cambrian, when CO2 levels were very high (4000-6000 ppm), average global temperature is believed to have been around 72 F. vs about 56 F today. Climate change, for whatever reason it occurs, is not in and of itself going to destroy civilization, but how humans adapt to it will determine our fate. During the last glacial peak sea level was about 400 feet lower than it is today. If all ice melted it would raise sea level about 230 feet from where it is today. Without humans the planet has been at both of those extremes more than once. Our ice age ancestors painted pictures on walls of caves that are now under water, yet here we are.

From Wikipedia "Carbon Dioxide in the Earth's Atmosphere":

"There is evidence for high CO2 concentrations between 200 and 150 million years ago of over 3,000 ppm, and between 600 and 400 million years ago of over 6,000 ppm.[23] In more recent times, atmospheric CO2 concentration continued to fall after about 60 million years ago. About 34 million years ago, the time of the Eocene–Oligocene extinction event and when the Antarctic ice sheet started to take its current form, CO2 was about 760 ppm,[34] and there is geochemical evidence that concentrations were less than 300 ppm by about 20 million years ago. Decreasing CO2 concentration, with a tipping point of 600 ppm, was the primary agent forcing Antarctic glaciation.[35] Low CO2 concentrations may have been the stimulus that favored the evolution of C4 plants, which increased greatly in abundance between 7 and 5 million years ago.[32] Based on an analysis of fossil leaves, Wagner et al.[36] argued that atmospheric CO2 concentrations during the last 7,000–10,000 year period were significantly higher than 300 ppm and contained substantial variations that may be correlated to climate variations. Others have disputed such claims, suggesting they are more likely to reflect calibration problems than actual changes in CO2.[37] Relevant to this dispute is the observation that Greenland ice cores often report higher and more variable CO2 values than similar measurements in Antarctica. However, the groups responsible for such measurements (e.g. H.J. Smith et al.[38]) believe the variations in Greenland cores result from in situ decomposition of calcium carbonate dust found in the ice. When dust concentrations in Greenland cores are low, as they nearly always are in Antarctic cores, the researchers report good agreement between measurements of Antarctic and Greenland CO2 concentrations."

Moreover, CO2 is not the only factor in climate. It's a complicated system and the scientific understanding and modeling is still pretty rudimentary. Even without human activity history tells us that climate varies, and not just over geologic time scales but also over much shorter periods.

My bottom line: climate changes. Human activity influences climate change, but we are still uncertain how and by how much. Common sense would seem to indicate it is a bad idea to throw more shit into the air than absolutely necessary, but the key to prospering long run is to be adaptable. A full scale nuclear exchange is a different scenario.


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Date: February 7th, 2022 12:43 AM
Author: Wilbur Mercer (Krugerrand)

Cannot fucking wait for warmer Temps, sorry coastcucks


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Date: February 7th, 2022 6:25 AM
Author: TEEN W0LF much of the world in canada and russia is going to be freed up for living, IF the global warming is antarctica...hello?



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