Saturday, February 19, 2022

Lena Chen Timeline (2006-2016)

 Lena Chen (2014-2016)

 Lena Chen (2011-2013)


March 10, 2012: Lena Chen continues her masturbatory Facebook-poasting, drawing the attention of a handful of skanks and asian-fetish faggots, including: AsianFetishFag Russell Ben Hedman (NYC), AsianFetishFag Steve Dean (Swarthmore & La Salle College High School), AsianFetishFag Michael McDowell (Cozen O'Connor), beanerWhore Marissa Lopez (Harvard), aznWhore Serena Yuet Ching May (University of Chicago), yellowSkank Josephine Tsui (SOAS), CumSlurpingSkank Aonya McCruiston (Wellesley aonya aonyam), cumSkank Eva Gillis-Buck (Harvard Research Assistant, Macklis laboratory at MGH), AsianFetish Fag Russell Bennetts (Underground), Fatass Denial Blogger Miriam Lazewatsky (Miriam J. Lazewatsky), Fatass Denial Blogger Jenn Leyva (aka Jennifer Leyva), yelloWhore Lorna Trinh (Pepperdine University), and cocksuckingWhore Abby P. Sun (Harvard abby p. sun harvard), AznWhore Elizabeth Yao (Education Consultant at Able Education), dumbCunt Felice Ford (Harvard University Classics Department), AznSkank Humbi Song (Harvard, Cambridge Rindge and Latin School) and AsianFetishFaggot Kameron Austin Collins (Princeton).

March 9, 2012: Jobless parasite Lena Chen posts a pic of herself mooching a free meal off of some stupid marks (like stupidYellowWhore Melanie Chen [aka Melanie Nicole Chen aka Melanie N. Chen [University of Texas]) in Austin, Texas. Those liking that kind of scam include: AsianCumDumpster Jessica Qu (Yale), AsianFetishBeaner Benito Fuzio, YellowSkank Emma Lai (Taipei, Taiwan), Amanda Van Slyke (Bellerose Composite High School), Chrystal Tchan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

March 9, 2012: Lena Chen continues her jetsetting and blogging drunkbinge in Austin Texas. In today's drunkblog, Lena Chen finally

* Lena Chen ADMITS she hasn't seen even a $50 check for one of her masturbatory blogs in SIX MONTHS (which makes it even moar obvious that sugardaddy Patrick Hamm is paying Lena Chen's fucking bills), and

* Lena Chen says feminist shit isn't worth her "time and motivation" anymoar. (Read: the attention-whore isn't getting enough ATTENTION!1 for her to do it anymoar.) Instead, she's gonna write a OMG!! NOVEL!!1...though just who would read Lena Chen's flatulent childish fiction remains to be seen.

And yet, some dumb whores STILL don't get how phony this Lena Chen cunt jizzGuzzlingSkank Lisa Kadey (aka Lisa J. Kadey aka Lisa Jean Kadey [University of Toronto] gooddrumbreak tumblr and publiclikeafrog wordpress) and Lindsay Dinkins (University of North Carolina Greensboro lindsaydinkins tumblr @chaoticlove).

March 8, 2012: Attention whore Lena Chen posts a pic of her dog/fuckbuddy, but only attracts the "likes" of a few dumbskanks like Sara David (NUDEPIX Brown University wordsandturds tumblr)

March 6-10, 2012: Lena Chen, having sucked Patrick Hamm's cock for travel fund$, spends a week in Austin Texas, tumblring, facebooking and tweeting other skanks like: DumbSkank Nona Willis Aronowitz (@NonaWA), HarvardCumGuzzler Abby P. Sun (@AbbyPSun), fuckslut S.E. Smith (Fort Bragg, CA @sesmithwrites), dumbcunt Eleanor Bartosh (@eleanorbartosh), College Skank Blogger Jenna Bromberg (Cornell @jennabrom), cumguzzler Aja Johnson (NYC @imnotasia dontforgetthelipgloss wordpress), BeanerSkank Maria Diaz (@mariadiaz Oakland California) and fuglyYellowWhore Stephanie Fang (@fangs17),

March 6-8, 2012: Having had her blog abandoned by skanks afraid of being outted, Lena Chen turns her attention-whoring to Facebook, posting pics of her mooching off of fuckups at Antibes Bistro in Austin Texas, including assLickingFaggot Ryan Mendias, nigwhore Minhal Baig. Approving fuckups include: beanerSkank Nivea Hernandez, yelloWhore Tai D Giang (University of California Irvine), faggot Christian Garland (Harvard), YellowFetishFag Kevin Verbael (Harvard), AsianFetishFag Steve Dean (Swarthmore), yellowWhore Josephine Tsui (SOAS), AsianFetishFag Dan Pecci (Harvard), skankcunt Lux Alptraum, AsianFetishFag Eric Obenzinger, jizzslurpingWhore Becki Ledford, BeanerFag Fernando Berdion Del Valle, cumslurpingSkank Felice Ford (Classics Department, Harvard), HongKong whore Chrystal Tchan, cumguzzlingSkank Eva Rose (Harvard), cocksuckingWhore Amanda Van Slyke (Bellerose Composite High School), YellowWhore Vivienne Chen (Vivienne X. Chen Princeton), AsianFetishFag Michael Blaustein (Harvard), yellowFetishFag Noah Mamber (Washington DC), YellowWhore Lingbo Li (Lingbo Li Harvard), pervprof Hugo Schwyzer.

March 7, 2012: "You're at SXSW?" tweets expelled Cornellwhore Jenna Bromberg to expelled Harvardwhore Lena Chen. "Can we meet so you can suck my cock?" tweets asianFetishFag Jeff Byrnes (@berkleebassist)

March 6, 2012: "LOL, remember when I wrote this blog about my faghagging with jizzslurper Jason D. Burke (Boston College School of Law)?" tweets Lena Chen. s

March 4, 2012: Jobless parasite Lena Chen sucks Patrick Hamm's cock for travel money to jetset to Austin Texas. Patrick Hamm and Patrick Hamm

March 4, 2012: AttentionWhore Lena Chen retweets a gangbang announcement by cumslurper Megan Andelloux (Brown University @HiOhMegan)

February 17, 2012: "OH LOOK!!1" blogs jobless parasite Lena Chen, "MY SKANKY SISTER GINA CHEN [UC San Diego] HAS HER SHITTY DESIGN IN SOME RAG NO ONE READS!"

February 17, 2012: ONE DAY after going into "writing a book mode" blogging hiatus, attention whore Lena Chen obsessively posts two "LOOK AT ME!!!1" posts on her tumblr to her dwindling audience of skanks and asian fetish fags: Chelsea Ault (pacificocean tumblr University of Ottawa Engaged to Jason Lewis, yelloWHORE Keri Lee (UC Irvine thekeri tumblr), AsianFetishFag Sean Mannion (who surfs AsianBukkakePorn when he can't get satisfied by his fugly whore Jessica Mannion unclesean tumblr Amy Kieran and Sarah Manley and Amy Kieran and Amy Kieran and Amy Kieran and Sarah Manley and Amy Kieran and Sarah Manley and Amy Kieran and Sarah Manley and Amy Kieran and Amy Kieran and Amy Kieran and Amy Kieran and Sarah Manley and Amy Kieran and Sarah Manley and Amy Kieran and Sarah Manley and Amy Kieran and Sarah Manley and Amy Kieran and Amy Kieran).

February 15-16, 2012: Jobless whore Lena Chen (who subsists by mooching off her sugardaddy Patrick Hamm in Xchange for bukkakeJobs) aimlessly jerks her clit on Twitter and Facebook. She begs several fuckups for money, including yellowfetishFag Elliot C. Back (aka Elliott Back), aznSkank Christina Xu (@chrysaora), Lauren Cozad (Ohio OSU economics banking), Lisette Below (@lisettebelow). Lena Chen also promotes the BukkakeGangbang being offered by cumguzzler Samantha A. Meier (Samantha Meier [LOL) and yellowSkank Abby P. Sun Abby P. Sun harvard (Abby Sun abbypsun).

February 14-15, 2012: MORE skanks who entered Lena Chen's pornblog raffle are outted, including Sara David (Brown University & USC blogs from: wordsandturds tumblr), Florentyna Leow (aka Flory Leow) London (Univeristy of London - BA Japanese at SOAS) blogs from: heroin-e tumblr & floryhands wordpress), AsianFetishFag Paul Mata (otarsus tumblr), Chloe Syke, Jamie Lynn Rubin, Esq (Chicago jamielynnlife), Sarah Fitz (psychotropicpolitics tumblr), Lindsay Dinkins (UNC @chaoticlove), Keely Chaisson (UCLA Biology @madness_dreams), Chiara Corso (GW University @chiara_corso), and Jacqueline Harding (Providence, RI aka Jacqueline M. Harding), Leah Cozad, Breean Cozad, Linda Riffner Cozad

February 12-13, 2012: Desperate to increase traffic to her dying blog, skank Lena Chen holds a FREE DILDO giveaway! Unfortunately, the handful of dumb skanks who enter the contest don't realize their information is being revealed on Lena's PUBLIC BLOG. Skanks who are outted include:

* Prerna Ramesh @prerna369

* Elaine N. Kuo @elainenkuo

* Elizabeth Wong @oradianto

* vulva self-cutter Elizabeth Wykes @belyenochi

* Chloe Sykes

* Christina Branson @clbranson

* Meghan Johnston @Meg3Girl

* Chelsea Pajzer @loveechelsea

February 12-13, 2012: AttentionWhore Lena Chen jerks her clit on Facebook, attracting the applause of a few skanks and AsianFetishFags: Joy Xi (aka Joy B. Xi Harvard), Latoya Peterson (Washington, District of Columbia), Michael Segal (Bessemer Venture Harvard), Jen Wang (Yale Columbia), Melissa Gira Grant, Lummy Lin (Washington) and her white fuckbuddy, kikeSkank Nancy Schwartzman, kikecocksucker Elisa Kreisinger (Simmons College), nigwhore Twanna A. Hines (New York), Amanda Van Slyke (Bellerose Composite High School), Fatass Denial Blogger Jenn Leyva, Katie Browning (Harvard)

February 12, 2012: Unable to write about anything that doesn't involve her cunt, jobless parasite Lena Chen blogs a tantrum demanding FREE BIRTH CONTROL SO PATRICK HAMM DOESNT IMPREGNATE ME WHEN HE JIZZES ON MY FACE! A handful of braindead cumguzzlers chime in, including Jenn Bane (Chicago), Mori Clark (aka Morgan Clark Montserrat College of Art), Danielle Whited (aka Danielle B. Whited, Leslie Clayton, and AsianFetishFag Eric A. Stratton.

February 12, 2012: dumbskank Denise Wirtz (aka prosepetals) goes apeshit when her pornblogging habits get her outted. Nigwhore Jennie Finley adds to the lulz (aka Jennie Trott Finley @nevergetfooled nevergetfooledagain blogspot)

February 9, 2012: Continuing to rationalize that jerking her clit online counts as a "job," unemployed parasite Lena Chen posts an unreadably shitty "magazine" Explosion-Proof (Circulation: 300, OMG!!1) "essay" about how Patrick Hamm has been $upporting her lazy ass (in exchange for blowjobs-on-demand) for the last 20 months. BrainDeadCunt Chloe Skye (CUNY Queens) and STDiseasedCunt Cassandra Pandi (St. John's University aka Cassie Pandi) jerks her clit over the juvenile "essay." And, unsurprisingly, AsianFetishFag Adrian Dowe jerks off to it.

February 8, 2012: Desperate to gin up attention for her dying blog, attentionWhore Lena Chen REblogs some shit about Skank Pride Day. The masturbatory blog post focuses on fugly chinkSkank Abby P. Sun (aka Abby Sun Harvard A small handful of skanks like the blog, including Kara S. Marsh (predispositions.tumblr) and Sarah M. Cash (doesyourmamaknow.tumblr). Also included were photos of Photo of braindead whore Lori M. Adelman and negroidskank Andrea Plaid via skankwhore Vivien Wu

February 7, 2012: Unable to think about "writing" anything that doesn't involve shoving shit up her cunt, Lena Chen reblogs some random video from xoxosms. A handful of skanks chime in, including yellowhore Alice Wu (abcdefghiloveyou.tumblr), AsianFetishFag Paul Mata (otarsus), also:

* nigwhore Marjorie Joseph (Montreal dearbecca.tumblr)

* STDiseasedSkank Sarah Hauser [aka sarsann.tumblr (Graduate Student in French Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, EMAIL:

o Program Assistant at Illinois Program in Paris

o Teaching Assistant at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

February 5, 2012: Desperate for any crumb of validation, Lena Chen jizzes herself that she could give a cucumber-on-a-condom talk regarding how to Blog BukkakePorn. "OMG!1 My best talk EVER!!1" squealed skank Lena Chen. "Me too!1" chimed in STDiseasedWhore Marie Lyn Bernard. Other whores who liked the idea of blogging skankporn were Minhal Baig (Yale), Miriam Zoila Perez (Swarthmore), AznFetishFaggot Kameron Austin Collins, YaleSkank Rebecca Sylvers (Yale). Afterward, Lena Chen mooches food from HarvardCuntWhore Katie Zavadski

February 2, 2012: Jobless whore Lena Chen posts pictures of shit she's made in the kitchen, waiting for sugardaddy Patrick Hamm to return home and jizz on her face for her allowance. Skanks who "like" this kind of pr0n include Chicago jizzslurper Sarah Gorr (fuckbuddy of STDiseased Alex Wayman) Publications International Ltd daughter of Liz Gorr and Steven Gorr), AznFetishFag Paul Mata (otarsus), Alexis Crawford (aka Alexis R. Crawford aka Lexi Crawford acrawf0rd ...hmmm... wonder if Alexis R. Crawford gave her STDs to Jake White [Arizona]?), Rocio Mendoza (larebelde tumblr), nigwhore Janae Kelley (shedwellswithbeauty tumblr)

Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm

Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm

Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm

Patrick Hamm

February 2, 2012: AttentionWhore Lena Chen posts 17 pictures depicting her lazy, mooching, jobless life. The photos (which aznfetishfaggot Eric Obenzinger jerksoff to as well as cumguzzlingSkank Sabrina Sadique [aka Sabrina A. Sadique]) include a few dumbfuck enablers of Lena's whoring, including Maria Athanassiu, faggotknobgobbler Jason D. Burke (Boston College School of Law), Yellowskank Abby P. Sun (aka Abby Sun [Hickman High School, Columbia Missouri, Harvard]) , psychonig Courtney Kennedy, "me so horny" yellowwhore Tiffanie Hsu, aznfetishfag Zac Pollinger (aka Zachary Pollinger, Zachary A. Pollinger), jizzguzzlingSkank Allegra Richards (suckincock at Harvard lol), whoreslut Mandy Gable, beanerskank Melissa Marie Garcia (aka Melissa M. Garcia)

January 31, 2012: jizzslurpingWhore Lena Chen blogs about PornWeek at Yale: "Yale asianskank Connie Cho's gonna do a GANGBANG! SO EMPOWERING!!!11" Only a handful of morons surf the blog, including AsianFetishFag Paul Mata (Mercedes, TX otarsus), skankwhore Denise Ann Wells (Yankton, SD) and whore Diane Shipley [[LOL @ Connie Cho Connie Cho Connie Cho)

January 30, 2012: Lena Chen retweets shiit by skankwhore Riese Bernard (aka Marie Lyn Bernard aka Marie L. Bernard): "CUM see me in the YALE GANGBANG with jizzslurping beaner Miriam Z. Perez (aka Miriam Zoila Perez)!"

January 29, 2012: "Running out of pocket money from sugardaddy Patrick Hamm," blogs Lena, "looks like I gotta mooch off of yellowcunt Joanna Ng (Accenture Alhambra California), asianfetishfag Jonathan Hakritsuk (UCSD), yellowfag Billy Yeung (UCS) and Johnny Wang (Accenture) "

January 28, 2012: "OMG!! At a faggot dancehall with Rheeqrheeq Chainey and jizzsucker Christian Garland!!"

January 27, 2012: Jobless whore Lena Chen blogs about getting fish tacos with another aznwhore, Evelina Giang (Alhambra California) "Love the pics of Patrick Hamm's jizz on your mouf!" squeals yellowskank Elizabeth Yao (South Setauket, NY)

January 26, 2012: "Stole my SKANKsister Gina Chen from classes at UCSD to whisk her to lunch at George's On The Cove!!" blogs Lena.

January 26, 2012: Jobless parasite whore Lena Chen spends another day of unemployment jerking her clit and posting shit to thechicktionary. Despite a full day of attentionwhoring, Lena Chen only attracts the eyes of a fast-dwindling circle of fucked-up jizzslurping skanks and asianfetishfags (Leanne Mirandilla [Dartmouth blogging as touchofbedlam], Diane Shipley (dianeshipley) cumslurpingWhore Diane Shipley, yellowhore Alice Wu (abcdefghiloveyou), brownskank Ace Amulong (prettyspectacular), asianskank Anjela Ramos (heartsnatcher & asiancracker), Erin M. Justice (erinmjustice), whore Rachel Hills (rachelhills), cumslurper Danielle Whited [MIT aka Danielle B. Whited @danielle.whited Accenture New York justtellher tumblr], cokewhore Megan Baker (New York University, Megan Baker [FU Berlin], York High School Megan Baker) (AKA appropriation ohnomegan Hayley Fisher [infectiousizzy], JapSkank Joanne Nishinaka (Los Angeles) Schurr High School & California State University- Fullerton], uhoh, Denise Wirtz (Atlanta prosepetals = Denise Wirtz) probably doesn't want her husband (Rene Wirtz) to find out about her online whoring!). Megan Baker (NYU), Yeyen Ong (Santa Monica, CA)

January 25, 2012: "OMG! Yellowskank Evelina Giang (yes, THAT Evelina Giang) and I basically inhaled a small piglet yesterday. Figures that I wind up visiting home during DineLA week. This was not exactly part of my post-Asia, start-eating-like-a-normal-person game plan," posted lazyskank Lena Chen. AznFetishFaggot John Esperanza (johnesperanza . tumblr) jerks off to yellowporn. Sarah Gorr

January 25, 2012: Lena Chen reveals that she pitched a fit at customs in Beijing, when they asked her about her STDs. "My herpes," screeched Lena Chen, "is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" A handful of STDiseased skanks surfed the page, including Amy Khuu (aka xtsamy on tumblr, Milpitas High School), Catherine Parkinson (Dallas, TX) 'kaki" (, Stella Shi (St. Louis) NYC (blogs at chimeless [tumblr] and, STDiseased Fatasskank Miriam Lazewatsky (aka Miriam J. Lazewatsky who now blogs at danishmodernlady (, and yellowwhore Viviane Tang (viviane212).

January 24, 2012: Jobless lazycunt mooches off of other whores (HUGETITTIED Tara Moross, aznskank Evelina Giang, and nigwhore Rheeqrheeq Chainey) clubbing at Soho House in West Hollywood.

January 24, 2012: Dumbcunt Lena Chen OUTS various STDiseased peeps who

* answer a survey of hers while logged into their public Facebook accounts: Denise A. Wells (aka Denise Wells aka Denise Ann Wells [Yankton, South Dakota]) Blogs from prosepetals ( Twitter: @DeniseAWells Email: and

* Elizabeth Wykes [Whatcom Community College] Blogs from: belyenochi ( [Bellingham, WA] Looks like STDiseasedWhore Elizabeth Wykes also has MENTAL ISSUES, according to her Google+: Elizabeth Wykes - Jul 18, 2011 - "Calling Whatcom psychiatric," wrote skankwhore Elizabeth Wykes, after learning her fugly STDiseased azz had been pumped-and-dumped yet AGAIN

* FATASS DENIAL BLOGGER Margitte Kristjansson (UCSD) (aka Margitte L. Kristjansson aka Margitte Leah Kristjansson) PIC OF FATFUCK MARGITTE KRISTJANSSON HERE Blogs at: riotsnotdiets (ROFL), Twitter: Seattle, Washington Born on 7 December 1985 Ph.D. Student at University of California at San Diego University of Washington B.A., Communication 2005 � 2009

* Yellowskank Hazel Marie Alim (aka Hazel M. Alim) Blogs from: hmla0809 ( Studying Accounting at Pepperdine University,

* Erin Elliott (Illinois Central College Sophomore, Majoring in Multimedia) Email: DOX: Erin Elliott / 111 Alternate Street /Peoria, IL 61603 (309) 687-5309 "I have two little kidlets: Jas [Elliott] and Cody [Elliott] and my partner, Andy Elliott." Flickr � caotica Tumblr: suprafae ( Twitter: leonitafeliz

* aznskank Monica He (aka Monica Mu He) [MBA Rice University] Eden Prairie Senior High School Tumblr: moomu ( BONUS: Monica Mu He blogs about how she got her multiple STDiseases HERE: [Monica Mu He]

* nigwhore Ebony Vandross (Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences and Curry College 2006)

* AznSkank Viviane Tang (NYC) Blogs from: and... (Wow...another yellowslut with STDs! What a surprise!)

* Farah Momin (Graduate Student, New School University NYC) Manager: Applied Brilliance. Blogs from: blerg ( Email:

* yellowskank Dena Vongchanh (Las Vegas, from San Jose CA) Blogs from: theamusingdee (

* AsianFetishFag Paul Mata (Mercedes, Texas) Blogs from: Paul Mata FIRED for surfing asianporn from his workplace

* YellowSkank Elizabeth Yao (University of Michigan) Brenda Gimotea Depasupil, HUGE TITTEDskank Tara Moross (Harvard),

* DUMBcunt Amanda Van Slyke (Edmunton Alberta, Bellerose Composite High School) Blog: Twitter: Email: flurtsite (ooh...someone should tell a few peeps about pornsurfingSkank Amanda Van Slyke: Rosella Eleanor LaFevre from MLTS Magazine - 267-918-9789Donna Barker from Cariwest - 780-906-2682Christie Lavan from the ACWS- 780-456-7000

* Whoreskank Allyson Lieberman (UPENN Medical School)

* Kate DeMazza (University of Mary Washington) who slurps only VEGETARIAN jizz, tyvm. Kate DeMazza aims to begin the first circle clitjerk at UMW.

* Isabel Cole (isabelthespy, (Designer Supra Shoes NYC)

* STDiseased Fatasskank Miriam Lazewatsky (aka Miriam J. Lazewatsky who now blogs at danishmodernlady ( Miriam Lazewastksy, who has yet to be institutionalized by Dan Lazewatsky or his cocksuckingWhore Hayley Moore

January 22-24, 2012: Jobless whoreParasite Lena Chen returns from her 3-week

jetsetting tour of Asia (paid for by sugardaddy Patrick Hamm) and spends two days

jerking her clit on the internet (BIG surprise). lol Erin Flanagan

January 17, 2012: Jobless whore Lena Chen poasts a picture of herself in Hong Kong (traveling on sugardaddy Patrick Hamm's money). Dumbcunt nigwhore Taryn Marshall (Fullerton College) apparently likes yellowskanks (like Erin Flanagan aka Erin Emiko aka Erin Emiko Flanagan) to sell their orifices for Miriam Lazewatsky

January 17, 2012: Dumbcunt Lena Chen OUTS various STDiseased peeps who answer

a survey of hers while logged into their public Facebook accounts: Kameron Austin Collins (Princeton University), Jamia Wilson (Vice President of Programs at Women's Media Center) azn fetishfag Sam Tharp (Concord Massachusetts) azn fetishfag Minhal Baig (Yale University) herpesridden Joanna Bronowicka (Harvard) Korea expatwhore Jessica Gold (Jessica Gold Haralson UPENN) perv prof Hugo Schwyzer (pervprof at Pasadena College his wife Eira Schwyzer STILL doesn't know about all the studentchicks who've sucked his freshly cut cock) azn fetishfag Daniel Senft (Yale University) azn fetishfag Eric Obenzinger (UPenn) aznwhore Teresa Chiao (UCLA) nigwhore Maisha L. Cannon (Los Angeles) aznfetishFAG Samuel Lipoff (University of Cambridge) ChinaSkank Vicky Wu (Harvard) aznFetishFag Charles Andrew Callaghan (Yale) aznFetishFaggt Paul Stamatiou (Co-Founder at Picplum), brownskank Taryn Marshall (Fullerton College)STDskank Jenny Marie Saenz (UCLA) aznWhore Abby Sun (Harvard) aznFetish Kyle Szklenski (Penn State Behrend) Simmonskank Elisa Kreisinger (Simmons) PornVidActress Hillary Carter (Substitute teacher at Bright Start Academy [Columbia Missouri]) Arzun Thapa (Minnesota State University Moorhead) Adda Ramli (Senior Executive at Bank Negara Malaysia) Kai Wu (Harvard) Lekha Tummalapalli (Harvard) Law Ware Oklahoma State Chase Russell (Harvard) yellowWhore Josephine Tsui (SOAS) Rux Paul (Harvard) STDskank Elisa Henderson Parker (Nevada City, California) Alexandra Bell (aka Alexandra C. Bell Harvard), rapeman Patrick Hamm (sociology Harvard), Kate DeMazza (aka Katherine DeMazza [University of Mary Washington])

January 16-17, 2012: filthywhore Hanne Blank @hanneblank Baltimore, Maryland, USA dirtycunt Katie Stack aka Katie M. Stack @KatieMStack Minnesota @antipretty_yyc skank Kendall Rae blogs about the HPVsores on her lips/cunt/anus. AsianFetishFag Satchel Kornfeld (American University, Washington DC) tweets: "Just got BookofKink in the mail! I'm gonna spank to it tonite!" (Satchel Kornfeld's Facebook:

January 15, 2012: @hugoschwyzer "Sentiment goes both ways," tweets whore Lena Chen to pervprof Hugo Schwyzer, "I wanna suck that cut cock of yours again!!" "Trying to bring fatandtheivy [= Fatass Denial BloggerWhore Jenn Leyva Check out her ACNESCARS HERE:] here for a fatass activism event."

January 13, 2012: Moronicunt Lena Chen posts shit on her blog that's supposed to pass for "wit":

* Patrick Hamm: You LA girls. You're tough as shit, aren't you?

* Lena Chen: Yep. And so is my pussy.

* Patrick Hamm: I love it.

* Lena Chen: Ugh.

As insipid as this horseshit is, a handful of stupid skanks and AsianFetishFags claim to "like" it, including halfAsianSkank Erin Flanagan (San Diego from Portland @emikohiilani) who, just like cumdumpster Lena Chen, has posted NUDE photos of herself on her blog ( for Erin Emiko Flanagan NUDE Erin Flanagan NUDE Erin Flanagan TITS/FACE/PUSSY/Ass, go here: (More Erin Flanagan blogs here: )

January 11, 2012: "Happy Birthday!" tweets Lena Chen to diseasedSkank Lesley Kinzel (Boston)

January 9, 2012: "Hey, can I crash at your place?" begs Lena Chen of YellowFetishFag Evan Kornbluh. "I can suck your cock REAL good!"

January 8, 2012: "So excited I'm SQUIRTING IN MY PANTIES," tweets whore Nancy Schwartzman (Brooklyn, NYC) to skank Lena Chen, brownslut Samhita Mukhopadhyay, STDiseasedWhore Heather Corinna (Seattle).

January 8, 2012: Lena Chen blogs about her cunt again, describing how she relieved the itching/burning/etc after Patrick Hamm infected her with ANOTHER STDisease. "Yeah, I got herpes," replies Allyson Lieberman (UPENN Medical School Allyson Lieberman) then shares her "holistic" relief from the scorching open sores.

January 7, 2012: "Puked my brains out," blogs Lena Chen, showing once again that she's unable to write about anything that doesn't involve one of her diseased orifices...nigho Letrice Moten (Letrice Goodson) pops in on whore Lena Chen's Facebook.

January 5, 2012: Thin-skinned whores Lena Chen, Sady Doyle, Jaclyn Friedman, nigwhore Zerlina Maxwell, and stupidcunt Danielle Citron try to cobble together a discussion panel titled, "WAAAAHHH!! I GOT BUTTHURT BY PEOPLE WHO MAKE FUN OF ME!!"

January 3, 2012: 'Surprisingly," tweets ungrateful cunt Lena Chen, humilating the guy who pays her rent/food/travel/etc "my rapist sugardaddy Patrick Hamm didn't find it "fundamentally irritating" when I revealed he has feelings like rest of us'

January 3, 2012: Jobless Lena Chen leaves for a 3-week Asian vacation. Needless to say, sugardaddy Patrick Hamm is paying. As a result, Patrick Hamm spends the next 5 days fuckingALL of Lena Chen's holes...until Patrick Hamm gives Lena Chen ANOTHER STDisease (see January 8, 2012)

January 3, 2012: Jobless Lena Chen spends the day jerking her clit on Twitter. "Spank that cunt!" cheers nigwhore Zerlina Maxwell (NYC). "I'm jerking my clit too," tweets April Yee (Dubai and Abu Dhabi) "lol!"

December 26, 2011: "Which lube should I get?" tweets Irin Carmon to STDWhore Lena Chen, "My pussy is stretched out of shape from all the cocks that have nailed it"

December 25-26, 2011: Jobless Lena Chen spends an obsessive 36 hours tweeting some dumb cunt (Meghan Murphy aka Meghan E. Murphy [Vancouver BC]) and pervprof Hugo Schwyzer (who begs Lena Chen to come to Pasadena to suck Schwyzer's freshly cutcock again [Eira Schwyzer Eira Schwywzer still seems to be blissfully ignorant of her husbands continued fucking of 20something flesh]

December 23, 2011: Lena Chen receives a tweet from STDiseased nigwhore Morgane Richardson [@Morgane_R]

December 23, 2011: "Ugh! How do I cover up these herpesores??" tweets Maria Diaz (Oakland California) to STDskank Lena Chen

December 22, 2011: Hypocrite Lena Chen blasts white guys with an Asian Fetish (ex: Marcus Stuhr, Chris Frasco, Samuel Lipoff, Satchel Kornfeld). Hilariously, dumbcunt Lena Chen fails to realize her "ASIAN FETISH GUYS ARE PERVS!!1" remarks apply to her rapey sugardaddy Patrick Hamm (who only fucksfugly yellowcunts)

December 20, 2011: "Does this bikini make my tits too small?" tweets yellowSkank Nancy Sun (nancylicious nancysun)

December 20, 2011: "I wanted to surf your pornblog," tweets Tanya Zelaya (University of Chicago and Park City, Utah) to pornwhore Lena Chen, "but my workplace [Park City Mountain Resort [Park City, Utah]] BLOCKS it! :( " For more on pornsurfer Tanya Zelaya, see

December 19, 2011: "Would you suck me off for $20?" tweets David Gonzalez (Cambrige MA @davidgonzalez43) to cocksucking Lena Chen

December 17, 2011: "OMG!" tweets Lena Chen, who posts a link to pornsite "these COCKS are much bigger than Patrick Hamm's!"

December 17, 2011: Lena Chen tweets: "OMG! Drunk again!" She then tweets pervprof Hugo Schwyzer, "So what if I suck your cock again? Eira [Schwyzer] doesn't hafta find out! ;)"

December 16, 2011: Lena Chen sucks Patrick Hamm's cock for spending money, then jetsets to NYC

December 15, 2011: "I miss my fuckbuddy [Patrick Hamm]," tweets skank Lena Chen, "so I've resorted to looking at photos of him at age 20. This is only creepy if I masturbate, right?"!/lenachen/status/147206111647371264

December 14, 2011: STDiseased Lena Chen goes to the clinic to check on the burning itch in her twat. She suspects Patrick Hamm has been fucking around again.

December 14, 2011: Some dumbskank (Olivia Benowitz [NYC @LilMissO.twitter) tweets a picture of her clit to Lena Chen. "aaaahhhh so cute!!" replies the whore.

December 13, 2011: Jobless Lena Chen tweets about her latest jetsetting orgy: "Boston �> NYC �> Germany �> Singapore �> Malaysia �> China (Hong Kong/Nanjing/Shanghai) �> LA �> Boston. AND PATRICK [HAMM] IS PAYING!"

December 13, 2011: skankwhore Rachel Kramer Bussel (raquelita) tweets Lena for her advice on sucking cock for money. "Do it if you need it," tweets back Lena Chen, "and then ditch the guilt!"

December 12, 2011: California whore Margeaux Klein [margeauxklein] tweets Lena for advice on picking up Euros hooking in France. Skank Rachel Hills tweets Lena about her STDs also, nigwhore Zerlina Mazwell

December 12, 2011: Lena Chen, proving she can't write about anything NOT involving her diseased cunt, posts about her pap smear and brazilian wax.

December 10, 2011: Yellowhore Julie Block (@likeWTFMate) tweets about her herpesores to Lena Chen

December 6, 2011: Jobless Lena Chen posts a line from the 1988 movie "Heathers": "Whether to kill yourself or not is one of the most important decisions a teenager can make." (Obviously worthlesswhore Lena Chen didn't decide well.)

December 6, 2011: Jobless Lena Chen spends another 12 hour day on twitter, retweeting lines from the movie "Heathers" and shit from YellowFetishFag Aaron Gibralter (agibralter Urtak) and nigwhore social worker Nicole Clark (@MsNicoleClark NYC)

December 5, 2011: "Think I could review gay porn as a job?" tweets Lena Chen to brownskank Lux Alptraum (NYC luxnightmare)

December 3, 2011: Insipid BeanerSkank Alisha Ramos begs Lena Chen for money for some feminist bullshit or other. YellowFetishFag David Waldman (KagroX) tweets Lena Chen asking for 1) her yellowcunt and 2) drugs

December 3, 2011: InsipidAttentionWhore Lena Chen tweets Joseph Gordon-Levitt to beg for free publicity

November 30, 2011: Desperate for any crumb of validation, Lena Chen squirts herself over an "article" in some bottom-feeding "magazine" with a circulation of less than 1,000

November 30, 2011: "OMG you have herpes?" tweets STDiseased Samantha Weatherford (slweathersby Missouri), "Me too!" Guys at Missouri State University and Truman State University are recommended not to fuck herpeskank Samantha Weatherford without DOUBLEWRAPPING your rascal! (lol @ dumbcunt's "thesis" Expressive Language and Dementia: A study comparing reaction to generic and personal photographs in people with dementia)

November 28, 2011: Lena Chen, who is unable to write about anthing that doesn't involve her fucklife with Patrick Hamm, posts about Patrick's latest obsession with poop-play. "OMG, my husband, too!" replies Denise A. Wells (aka Denise A. Gore) in Atlanta, Georgie

November 25-27, 2011: Lena Chen receives tweets from YellowFetishFag Jack Stratton (@writingdirty Greenpoint, Brooklyn NYC). Meanwhile, jobless Lena Chen spends the rest of the day tweeting STDiseasedWhore Aida Manduley (Brown University), nigfuck Markham Lee (@magnus99k), and jizzslurpingWhore Cara Kulwicki (Rochester, NY [thecurvature ]), and NYC DrippyCunt Kate Goldwater [auh2odesigns], & cumdumpster Viviane Tang (NYC Viviane212)

November 24, 2011: YellowFetishFag David Weinfeld (davidtheicon NYC) tweets Lena Chen looking for a yellowhore to suck Weinfeld's diseasedcock for $30. whore Lena Chen also receives tweets from ChickWithADick Kyla Bender-Baird (Brooklyn kylabb) and YellowFetishFag Elliott Back (aka Elliott C. Back NYC)

November 22, 2011: Another day, another all-day twitter session for jobless lazycunt Lena Chen. Contacts: skankwhore Karen Baldwin (karenmbaldwin aka Karen M. Baldwin Karen S. Baldwin aka Karen Shields Baldwin), asianFetishFag Ryan Shell (ryanshell NYC), Steph Burton (aka Stephanie Burton NYC thegirlwontstop.tumblr), PornSurfingWhore KC Ellis (Virginia Commonwealth University kcellis GlobalGiving

November 21, 2011: Desperate to goose traffic to her dying site by posting something "edgy," dumbcunt Lena Chen whines, yet again, about her habit of barfing to assuage her pudgy fat ass. Stupidskank Sara Neville (Sara Neville Penn State Brandywine), dumbwhore Talia Cain, cumslurper Brenna Glazebrook, bird-flipping fired Ohio State University dumbskank Ren Cozad Link(OSU aka Lauren Cozad aka @renchirps [twitter] Lauren E. Cozad Ren Cozad)

November 19-21, 2011: Jobless parasite Lena Chen returns from a drunken gangbang at the Harvard-Yale game and jerks her clit on Twitter. She begs for information on how to scam Uncle Sam on this year's tax forms (gotta hide that $$$ she's been getting from sucking Patrick Hamm's cock!). Whore S.E. Smith (Fort Bragg, CA @sesmithwrites and Karen Baldwin (Karen Sheilds Baldwin Karen M. Baldwin [karenmbaldwin Boston, MA]) tweet taxevasion advice back. Lena also retweets shit by dumbwhore Roxanne Krystalli (Jerusalem rkrystalli)

lena chen wiki lena chen twitter

lena chen photo

lena chen iud

November 18, 2011: Whore Lena Chen writes about the dildoes she most enjoys shoving up her snatch. A half-dozen idiot skanks get outted surfing the DildoBlog, including: Julia Szybala (aka Julia L. Szybala aka Julia Lynn Szybala [Associate Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP in Washington DC), Victoria Song (Ottawa [Business Effectiveness Team at Bank of Canada]), Yamileth Medina (Miami, media assistant at WorldCompliance), Sara Bivigou, Cristina Tolentino (Cristina M. Tolentino) Los Angeles, Eva Stojchevska (Harvard) (@eva0607), Lisa Jing (Harvard, Boston Latin School), Minhal Baig (Yale 2012) Editorial Assistant at The Yale Review, Eva Rose (Eva Castro Samayoa Rubenberg) Harvard, Lexington High School, Katie Zavadski (aka Katie R. Zavadski Harvard), aznfetishfag Daniel Warren Reeves (Bunker Hill Community College), aznskank Connie Cho (Yale University, Intern at Dwight Hall Urban Fellowship), Sarah Jensen (Barrie, Ontario (Client Care at Telus), Laurentian University), Patrick Hamm, Julia Bedford (Madison Wisconsin), Mei Qing (Toronto Ontario @nowever), Jacob Guzman (Chapman Law)

November 17-18, 2011: Jobless for 18 months, skankyparasite Lena Chen spends the day and night obsessively tweeting to cuntslike fatass denial blogger Jenn Leyva, and aziawhore Julie Block (@likeWTFmate).

November 17, 2011: Desperate to boost traffic to her dying shitblog, whoreblogger Lena Chen posts about dumbnig Jamia Wilson's BS contest and the Harvard-Yale game.

November 16, 2011: Now regretting the results of posting her nudebukkake pics (with disgraced ex-Harvard sociology pervprof Patrick Hamm), Lena Chen whines about the criticism she's received online. fugly yellowhore Stephanie Fang ( & dumbcunt Veronica Arreola (Chicago veronicaeye) and fatass STDiseased Emily Anderso (Pasadena, Maryland iamemjoyce) & skankycunt pornsurfing Kara Smarsh (Ohio State University (OSU) karasmarsh as well as azianfetishfag JACK HAUCK approve. lena chen twitter lena chen wiki lena chen photo

November 16, 2011: Unable to form a thought which doesn't revolve around shoving things into her gunt, bipolarNympho Lena Chen posts a perverted December Holiday's poster. Kikecunt Meaghan Riether (aka Meaghan M. Riether Harvard · Neshaminy High School) approves

November 14, 2011: "OMG!, Take twentythree zine's anon survey re: porn-habits!!" tweets jobless parasite whore Lena Chen. Records show that beenerskank Yamileth Medina (WorldCompliance Miami [formerly miamigleek now]) takes the quiz and cokewhore Megan Baker (New York University, Megan Baker [FU Berlin], York High School Megan Baker) takes the quiz and cumslurper Caitlin Johnston () takes the pornquiz. (lena chen wiki, lena chen twitter)

November 13, 2011: Lena Chen, who pretends her masturbatory blog counts as a "job", gives blowjobs to her sugardaddy Patrick Hamm until he gives her money for another ANATOMY OF A SHOPPING SPREE: "Gabby dress (worn as top) by Torn by Ronny Kobo (via Swirl), Corey Lynn Calter shorts (via Peachfrog in Williamsburg), stockings by Cynthia Rowley (via Swirl), and stone onyx bead bracelet by Alisa Michelle (via Swirl)." (Dumbwhore Lauren Cozad (aka Lauren E. Cozad aka Ren Cozad [ &]) likes the idea of giving blowjobs for shopping money.) ("In other news," diseased braindead whore Lena Chen claims to be "working on a book proposal"--which is a laughable thought, since Lena Chen's entire blogging "career"--for which she squandered her chance at an education at Harvard--range the gamut of "the 30 cocks I remember shoving into my cunt" and "cum I've had blasted on my face")

November 12, 2011: Lazy parasite Lena Chen tweets about using her sugardaddy Patrick Hamm's money to buy two orders of "poutine...Fries + cheese curd + gravy." (In related news, Lena Chen's bloat is increasingly noticeable, though Lena Chen's tits have stayed tiny.)

November 11, 2011: Unemployed for 18 months, lazy parasite Lena Chen squeals with delight about receiving "new projects" (translation: morons asking her to post shit to their no-name blogs, gratis) in her email. LOL @ giving "photo credit" to disgraced Harvard sociology teacher who fucks his yellow students, Patrick Hamm.

November 11, 2011: Desperate for attention on her dying blog, attentionwhore Lena Chen asks her handful of idiot skank readers "Whatcha doin today??" pornsurfing ho Bella Woo (Qorvis Communications / American University Washington DC), and kikecunt Tamara Leach (San Diego, Ocean Beach California) chime in to the pornsite.

November 8-11, 2011: Pathologically unable to weather any criticism, borderline personality ho Lena Chen joins a tiny group of skanks complaining about being criticized online (#mencallmethings). Attentionwhore Lena Chen goes on to whine on a tiny vanity radio station (with whores Jamila Bey and Rebecca Watson [AM1390 DC]. Fewer than 10 skanks even bother to acknowledge Lena Chen's pathetic attentionwhoring (e.g., skankslut Maya Sokolovski [York University], and yellowfevered faggot Ezra Szoke [Chicago Architect at ACCO Brands Inc.. hmmm...does Ezra Skoke's yellowhore Bang Ling Chang know that her husband his spanking his monkey to Lena Chen's bukkakeporn?])

A handful stupidskanks chime in that Lena Chen should NEVER be criticized for the pornpics she's posted (google "lena chen facial" or "lena chen nude" for samples), including fatass denial bloggerskank Miriam Lazewatsky (blogging under the moniker "Joyce", short for her shot-in-the-head bitch mommy Joyce Lazewatsky), cumsucker Audrey Ference, Rebecca Lee (Smith College, Class of '15 aquariuschicken), and whore Elizabeth Wykes belyenochi.tumblr (Bellingham, WA, Whatcom Community College).

November 10, 2011: Desperate for any crumb of validation, Lena Chen begs cumslurper Jaclyn Friedman to post on her blog. Skankwhore Amanda Michelle Kirby (who hosts potparties around her infant son in South Carolina), slutwhore Erin Markey (Sushi Masa), cumdumpster Amanda Hess (Washington City Paper), and whore Amy Richards (University of Leeds) cream themselves with glee over the submoronic post.

November 9, 2011: Unable to write about anything but her orifices, Lena Chen blogs about the IUD shoved up her cunt (again!), reminiscent of fatwhore Miriam Lazewatsky who "LOVES the Minerva IUD" shoved up her cheesycunt.

November 6, 2011: Whore Lena Chen, who pleads poverty [when everyone knows she gets money from her rich sugardaddy Patrick Hamm], somehow manages to come up with the ca$h for YET ANOTHER Anatomy of a Shopping Spree: "vintage jacket by Preen, Isaac Skirt by BB Dakota, Cmon Vogue Tank Dress, vintage heels by Stuart Weitzmann and Diana Clutch by Lauren Merkino." Lena Chen's dwindling list of a dozen dumbwhores squeal with glee, including fatfuckskank Jenn Leyva [aka Jenn F. Leyva a Fatass Denial Blogger at fatandtheivy.tumblr], STDiseased whoreskank Laura Grbavcich [Minneapolis, The Leede Group; a video of Laura Grbavcich getting blackout drunk [aka Laura Grby twitter, grby.tumblr,] getting blackout drunk and skanky can be found here], aznslut Justine T. Fan [aka JustineTF University of California San Diego, where Lena Chen's skanksister Gina Chen goes].

November 5, 2011: Spoiledwhore Lena Chen, who claims to only bank $20,000 year BEFORE taxes, reveals all the JETSETTING she wants to do next year on her Daddy's credit card: "OMG!1 I wanna go to New Orleens n Austen n HAWAII!!1" Moronic disasedwhore Alexandra Bell (Harvard; aka Alexandra C. Bell aka Alexandra Consuelo Bell), asian fetishfag Kameron Austin Collins and cumslurper Elisa Henderson Parker (aka Elisa Parker @SeeJaneDo KVMR [Nevada City, California]) cheer on Lena Chen's manicwhoring.

November 5, 2011: Lena Chen blogs about jerking her clit to the TV show "Revenge." "Oh yeahhhh," moans faggot Oscar Raymundo while he jizzes, "I have a soft spot for gay sociopaths...straight up my asshole!"

November 4, 2011: Lena Chen, who pretends her masturbatory blog counts as a "job", gives blowjobs to her sugardaddy Patrick Hamm until he gives her money for another SHOPPING SPREE: "Qi cashmere fringe hoodie (via Swirl), Marc Jacobs top, Loeffler Randall shorts (via Swirl), Napapijri wedges, Leyla bag." Hilariously, Lena Chen's blog-traffic has dropped to only a handful of diseased skanks, including jdotcole [bukkakeporn surfer Jacob Genzuk (Law Clerk at Law Offices of Lawrence D. Rohlfing & Candidate for Juris Doctor, Class of 2012 at Chapman University School of Law)] and renscribbles [cumslurper Breean Cozad sister bukkakeporn surfer Ren Cozad (aka Lauren Cozad [Ohio State University] @renchirps)].

October 31, 2011: Lena Chen's PornBlog holds a raffle for a FREE COCKRING/DILDO. The contest is entered by herpeswhore Jamila Tyler, herpesridden Juls Schnopp, herpessores on Sam Bakkila, skank Catherine Roberds, whore Najfutjsu Mongolficu, slut Amanda Kirby, slutcunt Michelle Dunne and herpeswhore Andrea Ravin

October 26, 2011: Lena Chen posts a question by pakiwhore Anjanie Chand [strangeloveinthemoonlight tumblr]: ""I've been considering the Paraguard IUD because when I was on birth control, the hormones made me really depressed," asks Anjanie Chand, "and my gyno said they were the lowest hormone dose available. So hormone free sounds great! I saw that you use an IUD. Sorry if this is too personal, but does your bf come inside you? My [Anjanie Chand's] fuckbuddy Brian Rapko (University of Central Florida) is freaked out about not having to use a condom, and he pulls out anyways, but I was wondering if it is okay if he doesn't?" In other news, dumbwhore Amanda Kirby (aka herpesridden Amanda M. Kirby aka Amanda Michelle Kirby [ Women's Studies University of South Carolina upstate) posts a blog reveling in Lena Chen's bipolar nymphomania

October 15, 2011: Lena Chen, unable to suck pocketmoney from Mommy and Daddy for the day, arranges to suck the cocks of azn fetish fags Robin Blijde [McKinsey & Company], Jason D. Burke, Anthony Crowe [Northeastern] and Zac Pollinger if they pay for her lunch at Orinoco Restaurant. Better hoap azn fetish ex-Harvard Patrick Hamm don't find out!

October 8, 2011: Attentionwhore Lena Chen begs her last few readers to vote for her for Shape's Best Blogger Awards. Unsurprisingly, Lena Chen's skankwhores [STD infested whore Melissa Petro, skank Shakthi Jothianandan (Columbia) STDs infesting Serena Yuet Ching May (UChicago · Phillips Exeter Academy) nigwhore Twanna A. Hines, Kate Monro, sknak Latoya Peterson, whore Tatiana Kombo (Wellesley · Ecole Active Bilingue)] form such a tiny group that they don't even help Lena Chen crack into the top three (from among a group of blogs no one's even heard of, lol). Kate DeMazza.

October 7, 2011: Unable to get cheap sugardaddy Patrick Hamm to jizz on her face (again) and pay her some spending money, spoiled whore Lena Chen mooches off moronfag Jason D. Burke and whoreslut Maria Athanassiu (Northeastern QinetiQ North America).

October 5, 2011: Spoiledcunt Lena Chen chows down on mooched free food and drink from dbar in exchange for giving a blowjob to azn fetish Samuel Lipoff (MIT Cambridge, Massachusetts facebook: samlipoff) and yellowwhore Lingbo Li.

October 2, 2011: Jobless lazycunt Lena Chen mooches free food and drink at Barrio Chino with beanerwhore Melissa Marie Garcia (Harvard, New York City) and Marissa Lopez (Harvard).

October 1, 2011: "OMG!!1" tweets fatfuckwhore Jenn Leyva to tinytitted Lena Chen, "finished the last of the cookie and the donut from this morning. Good food decisions!" For a pic of Jenn Leyva's fatfuckingazz, click HERE. Also: Brittan Heller Heide Iravani Brittan Heller Heide Iravani Brittan Heller Heide Iravani

LinkSeptember 15, 2011: "I see nothing wrong with yellow fever," writes yellowfetishfag Marcus Stuhr [UPENN] on Lena Chen's Facebook page. Marcus Stuhr goes on to describe how there's nothing wrong with spanking his cock raw while viewing Lena Chen's nude photos. Patrick Hamm

September 2011: As a new school year dawns, Lena Chen's blog sinks in readership to only a handful of whores, including cockslurperSlut Lauren Cozad (Lauren Elizabeth Cozad) still at Ohio State University OSU (economics major...her sister Breean Cozad seems to be following in Ren Cozad (Lauren Cozad)'s "fuck you, I don't need a job" footsteps), Herpesridden Samantha Willner (Cornell) azn fetish pornsurfer Kate DeMazza (University of Mary Washington), Joy Xi (aka Joy B. Xi aka Joy Bing Xi [Bain and Company]), and a few horny yellowfever fggots like Kyle Szklenski (Penn State Behrend), Chris Frasco, and pervprof Hugo Schwyzer. Also: Josette Torres (Virginia Tech), turdskinwhore Shakthi Jothianandan ("Me, Myself and I(rate)"), and Oberlin College herpeskank Hillary Carter who sucks mean cocks at AmeriCorps Missouri Clean Water and Megan Srinivas (Harvard)

August 23, 2011: Jobless Lena Chen posts another Anatomy of a Shopping Spree: "Clara Collins top (on sale at Rescue), Prps jeans, Dolce Vita booties (eBay), and Y-3 hoodie (eBay). "

August 21, 2011: Lena Chen celebrates another birthday, which means the spoiledcunt demands a PARTY!! (all on mommy, daddy, and sugardaddy Patrick Hamm's $$$). Unsurprisingly, Lena Chen jams pounds of food and quarts of booze down her huge fucking maw until she blacks out-at which point, azn fetish Patrick Hamm gets to rape his comatose whore again. (azn me-so-horny whore Justine Fan (aka JustineTF aka Justine T. Fan [UCSD] enjoys cockslurping )$

August 17, 2011: Lena Chen, now jobless for 18 months, maxes out azn fetish sugardaddy Patrick Hamm's credit card for another SHOPPING SPREE (with yellowslut Evelina Giang [MSW student at University of Southern California]): "Plenty by Tracy Reese dress, Napapijri platform heels." (Photo Credit: Photo Credit: faggot Wesley Wong (CSU Fullerton 2010). (Those cheering on Lena Chen's attentionwhoring include beanerwhore Sara Lorraine Martinez ( and and pornsurfing Mary Grace Sunga (George Mason University Nursing '13)

August 5, 2011: Lena Chen sucks off sugardaddy Patrick Hamm enough for him to bankroll her latest SHOPPING SPREE: "Rebel Yell tank...Jane Norman shorts...Hanii Y cardigan." Cumslurper Elizabeth Wykes (Bellingham, WA and Whatcom Community College [] cheers on Lena Chen's bukkakewhoring. Lena Chen

July 28, 2011: "Sunglasses shopping with (huge titted) Tara Moross in NYC last week," blogs freeloading whore Lena Chen, "she better buy me a good pair (of glasses)!"

July 25, 2011: Unable to find a real job in America, Lena Chen blogs about following her sugardaddy Patrick Hamm to Germany next year. (Needless to say, Patrick Hamm's reputation as "that nazi who cums on his asian students' faces, buys them weed and fake IDs" has made it difficult to obtain employment in any English-speaking country with Google...) Only a single member of Lena Chen's tiny circle of skankreaders, Samantha Willner (Cornell '12), comments on Chen's vapid navelgazing. Unsurprisingly, cumslurper Samantha Willner blogs about her promiscuous whoring [] when she's not stumbling into her summer job as an "editorial intern" at McGraw Hill Higher Education [source:].

July 24, 2011: Lena Chen, who denies being a vapid superficial moronic cunt, posts a pic of her 50+ pairs of shoes. OMG!11

July 21, 2011: Desperate for any crumb of validation, attentionwhore Lena Chen begs idiots to watch her video on SexReally. Only a tiny handful of morons (whore Yana Walton, cumslurper Aja Johnson, brownho Jamia Wilson [NYU · American University], and Sam Meier [Harvard · Northland Preparatory Academy]) actually watch.

July 17, 2011: Seeking to rationalize the educational opportunities she squandered, C-minus cumdumpster Lena Chen writes a Facebook post shitting on Harvard, which refused to validate Lena Chen's drunken whoring. A handful of fuckups (Ryan Mendias [Redondo Union High School], Jana Yokoyama [UCLA], Mike Nguyen, Joy Xi [Bain & Company], Vicki Mach and Nick Huber [Harvard], Kate DeMazza) "like" Lena's tantrum.

July 10, 2011: Harvard sociology teaching fellow Ethan Fosse [] asks whore Lena Chen to add him as a friend. "I advised your thesis!" Ethan Fosse begs. Ethan Fosse is, no doubt, "angling" for Lena Chen to suck his cock again.

July 10, 2011: "Places I want to go this year:" posts whore Lena Chen on Facebook, "Barbados with chinawhore Lingbo Li, Thailand with azn fetish faggt Jonathan Hakritsuk + debate crew, China to see that fuckiesuckie whore fired by McKinsey (Jing Yang) and Joyce Yan Zhang!!! Must immediately get shit together, and suck sugardaddy Patrick Hamm's cock EXTRA HARD, so I will actually have money to do all this. Putting myself on a six-month plan."

July 6, 2011: While jetsetting (again!) through Europe on sugardaddy Patrick Hamm's dime, spoiled cunt Lena Chen shows her gratitude by mocking Patrick Hamm as the guy who "just grunts at me from behind a computer screen these days. (Ah, the joys of dating a Ph.D student!)." The cunt also reveals that she doesn't "love" her sugar daddy. (Tellingly, one of Lena Chen's handful of enablers, jizzslurping cunt Gabby Roessler from East Rockaway, NY [] "likes" Lena Chen's whoring exploitation of Patrick Hamm for his money.

July 5, 2011: Lena Chen posts a question by one of her handful of moronic skank readers, whore Miriam Lazewatsky ("RetroModernette" on OK Cupid). ( braindead fatass Miriam Lazewatsky--Flabbyazz skank Miriam Lazewatsky also posts a fatass denial blog at Amusingly, Miriam Lazewatsky's mother, Barbara Lazewatsky (aka Barbara Kaplan-Lazewatsky), got shot in the head--but it's Miriam Lazewatsky who ended up with the BRAIN DAMAGE! (Soon after Miriam Lazewatsky got outted, she wet her pants and tried to hop from URL to URL, including: and

July 2, 2011: Attentionwhore Lena Chen posts a photo of her lazy jobless self with whore Rachel Kramer Bussel.

June 30, 2011: Spoiled cunt Lena Chen whines that she has NO INTERNET while her lazy ass jetsets through Europe on ex-Harvard rapist Patrick Hamm's dime.

June 28, 2011: Jobless whore Lena Chen posts a(n unsurprisingly) moronic question by one of her handful of readers, jizz-slurping skank Diana McQueen (aka Diana Cameron McQueen).

June 24-27, 2011: Lazy cunt Lena Chen jetsets to New York, where she sponges meals off of her loser "friends" cocksuckfaggot Jason D. Burke, Me-so-hornywhore Tiffanie Hsu, and "you can stay at my place if I can assfuck you" Zac Pollinger (

June 21, 2011: Cumguzzler Lena Chen blathers about hookers in Thailand. The slut defends the "right" of whores to suck cock for surprise there, since sugar daddy has been supporting jobless cunt Lena Chen for MONTHS, in exchange for Lena Chen's sucking the German rapist Patrick Hamm's cock. (MOAR on Patrick Hamm here.)

June 17, 2011: Lena Chen, who claims to "support herself" on less than $20K/year, posts the results of yet another shopping spree: Jumper by Sharagano (from the Beacon Hill location of Second Time Around) Heels by Seychelles (from 344 in Back Bay) Clutch by Kate Spade (online) Manicure in �Fiesta� by Essie

June 14, 2011: Lena Chen posts a pic of yet another of her shopping sprees on Facebook: "Sunglasses shopping with huge titted Tara Moross in NYC last week. It looks like I'm going to eat her tits."

June 2, 2011: Lena Chen, who claims to "support herself" on less than $20K/year, posts a picture of her tiny anorexic tits in a bikini in Ibiza. Lena Chen's readership crashes as more and more people realize that, far from being "independent," whore Lena Chen's jetsetting, so-called "writing," and lazing around is paid for by sucking ex-Harvard sociology rapist Patrick Hamm's tiny cock.

May 24, 2011: Lena Chen, who whines that she's laughed off as a vapid, talentless whoreblogger, posts a blurb in Salon bragging, "I WAS THE HARVARD HARLOT!1" As expected, hundreds of intelligent reader mock the moronic whimpering. Only on Facebook can Lena Chen find a handful of "likes" from slutwhores and dudes with azn fetishes (skank Laura Hirschberg [Harvard], chinawhore Helen Lau [Loyola Chicago, Saint Louis], yellowskank Helen Tran [USC, GWU], cumslurper Josette Torres [Virginia Tech, Purdue], cumdumpster Alana Shea [Harvard], spicslut Sara Martinez [Berkeley, Alhambra High School], aznfetish dude Dan Pecci [harvard], whore Jeisa Nathan [UMass Boston], aznfuckup Henry Fong [Berkeley, Caltech], skank Lauren Averil Schneider [Cornell, Stuyvesant High School], promiscuous skank Rachel Hills, cunt Aja Johnson [@imnotasia], Oberlin whore Hillary Carter [aka Hillary Carter Hillary L. Carter hillarylcarter], skank Lara Riscol, whore Lauren M. Webber, aznfetishfag Rafael Quintanar [Harvard], bukkakequeen Therese Shechter, lolkike Katharine Schweitzer [Emory, Miami University], aznfetishfuck Andreas Brinck [Boston University], and pornsurfer Kate DeMazza Kate DeMazza [University of Mary Washington])

April 10, 2011: Desperate for any crumb of validation, jobless (Patrick Hamm) cocksucking skank Lena Chen cheers a website ( written by fatfuckcunt Jenn Leyva (Columbia College '12). As photos show, fatty Jenn Leyva fatandtheivy definitely needs to slurp less of that hi-cal jizz. (MOAR on cumguzzler Jenn Leyva HERE.)

March 16, 2011: Jobless spoiled cunt Lena Chen posts a blog whining that her maid of a dumbfuck mommy (Lily Yanchang Chen) disapproves of Lena Chen whoring it up with a fuckbuddy when she jetsets West.

March 16, 2011: Desperate to gin up publicity, attention whore Lena Chen begs Brown University students to cum to her putting-condoms-on-bananas talk at Brown University.

March 16, 2011: In the midst of a manic blogging marathon, Lena Chen quickly posts a blog begging people to give her free food, housing, and travel in exchange for braindead cunt Lena Chen's giving one of her worthless putting-condoms-on-bananas talks. Moron Lena Chen quickly removes the post when dumbcunt Lena Chen belatedly realizes that "don't bullshit me in your contact-email" probably isn't the best way to get charity from people.

March 16, 2011: "NO I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DRIVE. DON'T JUDGE ME, OKAY??" tweets spoiled cunt Lena Chen, in the midst of a manic posting-spree.

March 16, 2011: "Ooh, are you offering me a spot in a porn-movie?? Hawt" tweets bipolar nympho Lena Chen, in response to an asian fetish faggot named Christian Garland (@cigarland).

March 15, 2011: "Hey! I'm in town!" tweets Lena Chen to whoreskank Lauren Leto, "BUY ME DINNER?? Coz Patrick Hamm didn't give me enough spending money :("

March 15, 2011: Jobless skank Lena Chen announces she will be jetsetting to California (on Patrick Hamm's credit card) on April 1st. PCC perv prof Hugo Schwyzer immediately chimes in: "Wanna get a taste-test of my newly-cut cock again? ;)" (Cunt Melanie Klein, skank Lorna Trinh [U of California, Riverside] and whore Morgane Veronique Richardson then chime in, interested to form a cumslurping orgy.)

March 14, 2011: Jobless Lena Chen posts YET ANOTHER photo of her (taken by Harvard sociology perv Patrick Hamm, who pays Lena Chen's bills in exchange for her cocksucking) most recent European jetsetting tour.

March 14, 2011: Desperate for any crumb of validation, cuntwhore Lena Chen posts a photo of bitchmade asian fetish faggot Eric Obenzinger (UPENN) on her Facebook, as well as shitskin whore Sneha Goud.

March 10-11, 2011: Desperate for any crumb of validation, skank Lena Chen creams herself after hoodwinking dumbcunt Nadia L. Farjood (Nadia Farjood) into writing a blurb about guttertrash Lena Chen's attentionwhoring (along with whore Chloe Angyal, cunt Lori M. Adelman, dumbskank Julie Zeilinger, slutwhore Cherie Hannouche, negroidmongoloid Andrea Plaid, fatassskank Sady Doyle, Samantha A. Meier [Samantha Meier], and moronslut Anna North) at a meaningless "Feminist Coming Out Day" circle clitjerk. Lena Chen also attentionwhores by posting pics of her fattening belly (and shrinking tiny tits). [A few dumbcunt skanks like moron dropout Isabel Cole, whore Jennifer L. Pozner, braindeadcunt Morgane Richardson, asianwhore Vivien Wu (Boston Asia21 Communications), braindeadcunt Jaclyn Friedman (jaclynf Boston), cumbcunt Nadia L. Farjood (Nadia Farjood Harvard, facefucker Graceye Cheng (Harvard, Roosevelt Institution facebook: gracye.cheng), whore Mandy Gable (Harvard, Bangor University), skank Nassira Nicola (UChicago, Harvard), pornsurfer Kate DeMazza (University of Mary Washington) asiaskank Lilly Deng (Harvard), and mongoloid Rhonesha Byng (DePauw University] giggle on TheChicktionary about the insipid event.]

March 8, 2011: (8 days after announcing a "blogging hiatus" [and a week after forgetting it]:) In a manic spree spurred by jobless Lena Chen's busywork on her worthless hamstercage "work" (This is What a Feminist Looks Like, the Feminist Coming Out Day scam), Lena Chen shits out a cluster of blogs including: 1) two blogs repaying sugardaddy Patrick Hamm's paying her rent, travel and restaurant bills by mocking his poor English, 2) A desperate plea for publicity of her Feminist Coming Out Day scam 3) yet ANOTHER "Anatomy of a Shopping Spree" photo detailing clothes jobless Lena Chen bought (on asianfetish sugardaddy Patrick Hamm's credit card) to cover Lena Chen's gourmet food-gorging fat ass (Those who still seem to "like" the Lena Chen trainwreck include: whore Jessica Haralson, Janae Kelly [shedwellswithbeauty], Kate Winick, asianpornsurfer Jacob Guzman [jdotcole.tumblr] (Whittier College, Chapman School of Law), Twanna A. Hines (NYU), Shakthi Jothianandan (Columbia University), Sneha Goud (Michigan State U.), Shelby Capacio (University of Minnesota), and Shana Aoyama-Mattson.)

March 7, 2011: Unable to form a thought more complex than a fortune cookie, diseased whore Lena Chen posts a hackneyed Oscar Wilde quote, thinking it will give her intellectual cred. Lena Chen also desperately begs dumbcunt Amelia McDonnell-Parry for publicity.

March 7, 2011: Seven days after announcing a "blogging hiatus" (and 6 days after she forgot it): Her bipolar nerves frazzled by 8 months of unemployment, jobless Lena Chen posts a massive, manic, masturbatory 2,200 word blog[!] in which Lena Chen rationalizes the shitpile her jobless life has become (and in which Lena Chen bitterly shits on gainfully employed Harvard graduates).

/*\ March 6, 2011: In an astonishingly rare feat, Lena Chen manages to actually shut the fuck up on twitter, facebook, and tumblr for ONE WHOLE DAY!! /*\

March 5, 2011: Five days after announcing a "blogging hiatus": Aching for even the smallest crumb of validation, attention whore Lena Chen creams her cunt when some no-name shitblog includes her name in a random story.

March 3-4, 2011: Three days after announcing a "blogging hiatus": Jobless Lena Chen posts two MOAR pictures of her recent West Coast jetsetting on sugardaddy Patrick Hamm's dime.

March 2-3, 2011: Two days after announcing a "blogging hiatus" (and one day after breaking it," jobless fuckup Lena Chen blogs: (1) syrupy horseshit about the sociology teacher, Patrick Hamm, whom student Lena Chen blackmailed out of dumping her worthless yellow skankazz (2) a headshot taken by the Harvard student-sexploiting perv Patrick Hamm. [Only a dozen cumsluts "like" Lena Chen's shitty posts, including Laarni Bulchand (Chicago minilaarni), Lucía Gutiérrez Castro lacondesalucanor), Shana Aoyama Shana Mattson Shana Aoyama-Mattson (Mount Holyoke College, UMASS Boston snazzified), Shahida Arabi (NYU,, Claire Gordon (Yale & St Paul's Girls' School), Sarah Landowski, Nivea Christine Herloyan (Nivea Herloyan hernn]

March 1-2, 2011: One day after announcing a "blogging hiatus," attentionwhore Lena Chen fritters away the day...blogging: (1) an email from braindead whore Maia Williams (Mai'a Williams [Sarah Lawrence College]) about Lena Chen's whining about Valentine's Day (2) a photo of herself in front of Ricky's Fish Tacos (in which it's clear that Lena Chen has gorged her way to bloated fatasshood...nonetheless, Lena Chen's tits stay tiny) (3) braindead shit about faggots like Jason D. Burke (4) a photo of perv sociology teacher Patrick Hamm (who looks dejected, no doubt regretting his ever beginning to fuck his asian student Lena Chen, who has blackmailed him from dumping her worthless yellow ass). [A handful of moronic whores pay attention to Lena Chen's manic blogshitting, including diseased skank Maya Dibley [Ribble Valley, England], whore Christina Tolentino [Silverlake], fuglyslut Paula Katarina Tayo [Philippines], skank Maia Williams [Sarah Lawrence College], and Trixie Layhadi [trixmix,]]



Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lena Chen

Lena Chen lies hypocrisy January 2011

Some readers have noticed Lena Chen's cynicism, but rarely is the worst cynicism noticed: Lena Chen seems to think her readers are STUPID. Perhaps so. Or, at least, they lack the attention-spans to notice Lena Chen's clanging self-contradictions which would prompt a normal person to call BULLSHIT! or WTF?!

LOL...looks like Lingbao Li (Harvard) Lingbao Li wants to fill Lena Chen's skank shoes...

Lingbao Li

December 31, 2010: In a rambling, blathering 2500 word blog post, unemployable skank Lena Chen reveals that her cocksucky blog,, was a drunken mistake: "I was drinking to the point of blacking out 3 or 4 times a week," writes Lena Chen. Lena Chen also reveals that Harvard kicked her out of school on account of a 20 page paper which Lena Chen was too lazy and stupid to write. Amusingly, Lena Chen seems surprised by her lack of long-term memory: given all the drugs she was doing with her teacher Patrick Hamm (Note: Patrick Hamm also got his Harvard student Lena Chen a fake ID so she could barhop with her teacher Patrick Hamm), it's a surprise Lena Chen even remembers her sugardaddy asian fetish boi Patrick Hamm. (Amusingly, Lena Chen's blog traffic has dropped to a handful--like whore Steph Burton [stephiebee] and asianfetish fanboi Jeff Byrnes sick yellowfever [Berklee boi] and dumbskank Dunja Nedic.)

December 31, 2010: Desperate for any small crumb of validation, slut Lena Chen reblogs a
random comment by some dumbcunt Erin Stewart ( on her slutblog. Erin Stewart is insecure that she goes to a third-tier toilet university (The Australian National University), so Erin Stewart is encouraged by failure Lena Chen's defensive shitting on Harvard. (For more on moron Erin L. Stewart, who surfs on Lena Chen's pornblog, see this link:

December 30, 2010: Jobless Lena Chen blogs about her latest spending spree (Rider Tee for $12.99 (down from $40) | Neck Warmer Dress for $20 (down from $70) OMG!!1); Lena Chen, who has been unemployed after being dumped by Harvard in May, no doubt got the spending money by sucking her former teacher sugardaddy Patrick Hamm's cock extra hard in his Harvard teaching office...

December 29, 2010: Insecure over the utter failure her life has become since Harvard booted her worthless skank ass, Lena Chen bitterly shits on Harvard...again (see here for moar).

December 27, 2010: Showing how much she "respects" her "friends" privacy, drunkskank Lena Chen blabs about: (1) how her "bestie" Jason D. Burke loves gobbling cockknobs. Jason D. Burke was almost as much of an utter FAIL at Harvard as Lena Chen: apparently, Jason Burke was too busy drinking with Lena Chen (and sucking cock) to end up anywhere better than third-tier toilet Boston College School of Law. (For MOAR on faghag Lena Chen's pet fag Jason D. Burke, see here:, and (2) how Lena Chen's selfish cuntfriend Courtney Kennedy made a phony melodramatic suicide gesture in Germany; like Lena Chen, dumbcunt Courtney Kennedy ( got kicked out of Harvard, too (for more on Courtney Kennedy, see details: here)

December 27, 2010: Realizing that her talents are unable to get her a job (well, except for the job sucking sugardaddy Patrick Hamm's cock after doing drugs with her former teacher Patrick Hamm), Lena Chen reveals she wants to bilk the government out of school loan money and go to graduate school.

December 26, 2010: Lena Chen, who lacks the attention span to parse anything longer than a Chinese fortune cookie, praises selfish psychocunt Courtney Kennedy's insipid blogpost as "brilliant."

December 22, 2010: "PATRICK HAMM CANT PAY MY CREDIT CARD BILL BECOZ BANK OF AMERICA WONT RECOG'ZE MY COMPUTER AND WE CANT CALL THEM, FML!!!11" tweets jobless Lena Chen while jetsetting in Germany (between bukkake sessions with her sociology teacher Patrick Hamm) Lena Chen is also upset that, owing to her blackout drinking, Lena Chen cannot recall some of the charges she made on the credit card Patrick Hamm pays for...

December 21, 2010: "WRITING ABT THE HELTH BENEFTZ OF MASTURBATION AND ORGAZMS, OMG!11" tweets Lena Chen, revealing her inability to write about anything that doesn't involve shoving something into one of her orifices.

December 20, 2010: Jobless since May (except for her job letting sugar daddy Patrick Hamm jizz on her face [picture of Patrick Hamm's jizz on Lena Chen's face Patrick Hamm here and here]), Lena Chen's inflated sense of entitlement leads her to beg Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm to pay for her to jetset to Germany for Christmas holiday.

December 17, 2010: Lena Chen shows no sign of shutting the fuck up about the Julian Assange fake rape charges. Very hypocritical of Lena Chen, since EVERYONE KNOWS how much Lena Chen welcomes rapesex from her sugardaddy Patrick Hamm.

December 15-16, 2010:
Desperate to suck some NEW cock before jetsetting off to Germany to be with her sugardaddy Patrick Hamm, Lena Chen visits asian fetish dude Zac Pollinger, after having cookie-cutter azn skankblogger Zoe Yang pay for Lena Chen's dinner ("IN THE FINANCIAL DISTRICT!!11 OMG!!!1" tweets Lena Chen)

December 15, 2010:
With Lena Chen's asian fetish sugar daddy Patrick Hamm in Germany, Lena Chen [Lena Chen Glamour] tweets that she's in New York, hooking up with past fuckbuddies (ex Zac Pollinger (Zachary Pollinger)). "Are these the ones in print?" wonders skank Sarah E. Brown (aka "sarahsuperb" who administrates Famewhore Lena Chen, humiliated that no one remembers anything about her except the pics she posted of Patrick Hamm spooging his cum on Lena Chen's face, begs a producer at MTV for a spot on
"The Seven" (Another azn attention whore, Jing Yang, soon follows suit.)

December 14-15, 2010: Desperate for any crumb of recognition, attention whore Lena Chen creams her pussy over interviewing two no-name worthless skanks (Aja Johnson [@imnotasia] and Maria Diaz [@mariadiaz]) for some no-name blog.

December 13, 2010:
Since Patrick Hamm is in Germany, this means unemployed Lena Chen [Lena Chen twitter] is free from the chore of satisfying Patrick Hamm's sexual mores; rather than hunt for a job, Lena Chen [Lena Chen Harvard] goes to Chelsea and drinks the night away.

December 10, 2010:
Lena Chen warns skankblogger Helen Chiu (aka zoeynym) about the perils of being a whore: "He's going to divorce you once he realizes he married a ho!" Lena Chen says of Helen Chiu's master Marcus Galindo, "Your comeuppance is impending, you Jezebel!" (Rather ironic that Lena Chen would give relationship advice, since jobless Lena Chen's "relationship" involves renting out her gash to her sugardaddy Patrick Hamm.)

December 10, 2010: Despite "studying" German for a year (to better fulfill Patrick Hamm's nazi white fetish desires), Lena Chen reveals that she can't parse it for shit without running to Google Translate. Also (yes, jobless Lena Chen twitters A LOT), Lena Chen posts shit about her former friend, Jason D. Burke, who, like slut Lena Chen, fucked up so badly at Harvard UG that only shiTTThole Boston College School of Law would hold their nose and accept Jason D. Burke's goattse'd ass.

December 8, 2010: Unemployed skank Lena Chen wastes the day tweeting about such earthshattering shit as her dog's diarrhea (twice) and how childbirth causes women to shit. Which goes to show how little Lena Chen actually learned anything at Harvard (besides how to stuff cocks and food into Lena Chen's orifices...). Lena Chen also tweets a deep query about making spam musubi to skank Jing Yang (aka jingtastic).

December 7-8, 2010: Lena Chen actually calls her fuckbuddy Patrick Hamm's "jetsetting" dog, Hamlet, "spoiled." Amusing that Lena Chen [Lena Chen photos], who refuses to get a job, sponges off Patrick Hamm's money (in exchange for various oral and anal "favours" no doubt), and will spend Christmas in Germany on Patrick Hamm's dime, and (...) would not see the hilarious hypocrisy of Lena Chen calling ANYONE "spoiled."

December 7, 2010: One of Lena Chen's handful of readers notices that Lena Chen is too lazy to actually WRITE BACK to emails from Lena Chen's retarded handful of "fans"

December 2, 2010: Desperate for any crumb of validation, jobless attentionwhore Lena Chen squeals over a crap "shoot" she'll do with dumbcunts Carlin Ross and Rachel Kramer Bussel. Lena Chen also mentions she will reveal the number of guys who have plugged Lena Chen's diseased cunt as part of the "notes" accompanying the photos.

December 1, 2010:
Talentless Lena Chen tries to "write" an "article" about her maid-mommy's abusive marriage to Lena Chen's daddy, restauranteur George Chen, which fucked up Lena Chen (and UCSD sister Gina Chen) for life. Lena Chen's shitty article is roundly mocked by readers of the site.

November 30, 2010:
Unemployed Lena Chen, who gets her money after sucking sugardaddy Patrick Hamm's azn-fetished cock, blogs about spending assloads of money for computer trinkets. That same day, dumbcunt Lena Chen blathers on about virginity being a "social construct." Amusingly, Lena Chen is too much of a moron to realize that the SAME ARGUMENTS show that RAPE is a "social construct" as well.

November 28-29, 2010:
Lena Chen (whose "writing" doesn't even gross $20K/year) blogs about dropping several hundred dollars of sugardaddy Patrick Hamm's money on panties at RueLaLa and a Miraculous Bra for Lena Chen's muffin-top titties (picture of Lena Chen's tits here). Enablers of Lena Chen's whoreblog, cunty Leila Cohan-Miccio and tiny-titted skank Jennifer Ross (nymphetinrepose @ University of Ottawa)

November 23, 2010: Attention whore Lena Chen squeals over her latest YouTube skankvid, recorded with fired-from-McKinsey-for-online-nudie-pics whore Zoe Yang (aka Jing Yang aka Yijing Yang), hocunt Chloe Angyal and cumdumpster Amelia Parry-McDonell

November 17, 2010: Lena Chen blogs about that other cookie-cutter azn blogwhore, Zoe Yang
(aka Jing Yang aka Yijing Yang): "AWKWARD THINGS THAT OCCUR BECAUSE OF THE INTERNET: The random “third” Zoe Yang found on CraigsList for her threesome with Holden Groves? They tried to add her on LinkedIn. Perhaps they’ll even “recommend” you to their colleagues. (No, this did not happen
to me. [It happened to Jing Yang] No, my anonymous friend
[Yijing Yang aka jingtastic] did not accept the request.)" ProTip: if you want to find the skankslut who
creams for threesomes, fantasizing about being a Vietnamese prostitute, and having her tits
smacked HARD
, just add zoeyijingyang on LinkedIn:]

November 16, 2010: Lena Chen makes a note to visit KaDeWe the next time she jetsets to Berlin on her sugar daddy faggot Patrick Hamm's money

November 9, 2010:
After Lehigh whore Jessica Chu [ ] squeals for it, attention whore Lena Chen offers another "Anatomy of a Shopping Spree": Lena Chen (whose writing "job" fetches less than $20K/year, before taxes) details how she wasted several hundred dollars of sugardaddy Patrick Hamm's money.

October 31, 2010:
Jobless Lena Chen pisses away $150 of sugardaddy Patrick Hamm's money on Hello Kitty shit. (Meanwhile, Patrick Hamm dresses up as an asian fetish pedophile for Halloween...)
October 30, 2010: Unemployed Lena Chen, who would be homeless without her sugardaddy Patrick Hamm's paying Lena Chen's bills [see "Who's Paying Lena Chen's Bills?"], shows her gratitude by emasculating Patrick Hamm YET AGAIN (see Apr 14, Oct 28)

October 28, 2010:
Unemployed Lena Chen, who would be homeless without her sugardaddy Patrick Hamm's paying Lena Chen's bills, shows her gratitude by dismissing Patrick Hamm as no more "the One" than some random fuckbuddy. [That same day, Lena Chen wastes $200 of sugardaddy Patrick Hamm's money on an online shopping spree]

October 14, 2010: Lena Chen (who grosses less than $20K/year before taxes) blogs that she dropped $150 of sugardaddy Patrick Hamm's money on Hello Kitty shit.

August 11, 2010: In a rare moment of honesty, Lena Chen blogs that her shitty "writing" makes no more than $20K/year, BEFORE TAXES. Of course, Lena Chen's brain-dead enabler/readers never do teh obvious math and ask the obvious follow-up question: SO WHO IS PAYING LENA CHEN'S RENT, FOOD, AND SHOPPING SPREES?? [That same day, Lena Chen is jetsetting through Europe [no doubt spreading her legs in exchange for Patrick Hamm's $$$] and goes on a shopping spree, spending 35 Euros and 30 Pounds of Patrick Hamm's money]

June 8, 2010: Lena Chen sponges off of skank Jordan Reid to gorge on pricey food at Wasabi Lobby. Needless to say, Jordan Reid is a superficial dumbwhore who spends her time whoring herself out to "microcelebrities" then blogging about it at, lol.

May 11, 2010:
Lena Chen (who blogged that a sex blog was really "a bad idea") flies into a rage when Slate magazine points out the obvious same thing--to wit, that blogging nude photos of yourself (as Lena Chen has), photos of yourself with jizz on your face (as Lena Chen has), details of rapesex (as when Lena Chen blogged about how her sociology teacher Patrick Hamm choked her until she was forced into fucking him), druggie details (as when Lena Chen and Patrick Hamm), lawbreaking details (as when Patrick Hamm got a fake ID and bought booze for his 19-year-old student fuckthing Lena Chen)...ALL OF IT is a REALLY BAD IDEA.

April 15, 2010:
Lena Chen (who's posted nude photos of herself, Lena Chen, as well as photos of herself with Patrick Hamm's cum on her face) creams in her panties when slut Chloe Angyal spurts out a hackneyed comparison of Lena Chen to Ashley Dupre [LOL!] in the Huffington Post. The blurb is yet another dead-horse flogging of the Lena Chen nude photos scandal (Can anyone say "attention whore Lena Chen"?)

April 14, 2010:
Unemployed Lena Chen, who would be homeless without her sugardaddy Patrick Hamm's paying Lena Chen's bills, shows her gratitude by dismissing Patrick Hamm as no more special than a random fuck.

April 1, 2010:
Lena Chen, who's posted nude photos of herself, Lena Chen, as well as photos of herself with Patrick Hamm's cum on her face, whines to the Washington City newspaper about other nude photos, posted of herself, Lena Chen, back in 2007. Dumb skank Amanda Hess gets duped by Lena Chen's lies and writes up the false article.

March 10, 2010:
Lena Chen tweets that she will only use the phrase "non-marital sex" in her thesis, rather than "pre-marital sex"--lol, Lena Chen is indulging delusions of grandeur if she thinks anyone will seriously read that shit. Even Patrick Hamm said that Lena Chen (who was his student) had piss-poor grades [here's the link to Patrick Hamm dissing Lena]. Gotta wonder why Patrick Hamm passed her in his class, ay? ;)

March 4, 2010:
Bitter Lena Chen whines about her college experience in an article. Then, when commenters point out that Lena Chen's drunken, drug-fueled hookups likely accounted for Lena Chen's less-than-fulfilling college experience, Lena Chen throws a temper-tantrum on her tumblr. Lena Chen's childish tantrum is quickly mocked on a prestigious Ivy League board. (Of course, Lena Chen is similarly bitter about America, and looks forward to becoming a whore for her sugar daddy Patrick Hamm in Germany.)

February 28, 2010:
Lena Chen reveals that she didn't learn the meaning of "Ibid." until, um, last week. No surprise there, since Lena Chen has avoided books for the last five years, instead preferring to shove dildos up her cunt (with violent psycho Christine Yu [photo of Christine Z. Yu and Lena Chen]), jet-set through Europe (with violent psycho Courtney Kennedy), taking 115 shopping sprees, and letting Patrick Hamm shoot his jizz in her face (when Lena Chen and Patrick Hamm aren't doing drugs, that is). Then Lena Chen whines when media outlets laugh Lena Chen off as an airhead skank (see Feb 9 2010 entry)

February 24, 2010: Desperate for any crumb of validation of her whoring and shopping sprees (financed by Lena Chen's sugar daddy fuckbuddy Patrick Hamm), Lena Chen praises a blog by skank wannabe Emily Boffa. Amusingly, pinhead Emily Boffa writes that Lena Chen "
rarely writes about her sex life anymore." O RLY? Perhaps slut Emily Boffa missed

Then again, perhaps Emily Boffa's lack of reading skillz is to be expected, since Emily Boffa attended a third-tier toilet college (Ramapo College of New Jersey, lulz) and blogs from her job at Sealed Air Corporation.

February 15, 2010:
Lena Chen tries to blame her psychiatric problems on "internet haters." Looks like Dum-dum Lena Chen forgot that she already blogged, in 2006, that her mental illness was a LIFELONG AFFLICTION. (PROTIP: Lena, if you're gonna lie, try and have a better memory, okay?)

February 9, 2010:
Lena Chen, who has posted nude photos of herself, a photo of herself with cum on her face, seduced one of her teachers (Patrick Hamm), and confesses to having STDs, whines when Der Spiegel writes her off as an airhead skank.

January 9, 2010:
Lena Chen pretends to be outraged about nude photos of her on the internet. An alert observer notices that Lena Chen posted nude photos on her own blog. In a fumbling bit of harried "damage control," Lena Chen scrubs the nudie pix from her blog. Unfortunately for Lena Chen, her nude pictures (as well as the picture of her after her sugar daddy Patrick Hamm spooged on her face--yep, that's Patrick Hamm's cum!) are all over the internet already...

January 7, 2010: Lena Chen writes (sans irony) that "It would have saved my sanity had a few individuals simply thought twice about clicking Post Entry." So writes Lena Chen, who has posted (and removed) scores of posts, including one where Lena Chen reveals how her teacher Patrick Hamm procured drugs and a fake ID for her, one of a photo of Lena Chen after Patrick Hamm ejaculated on her face, and one where Lena Chen posted nude photos of herself. (For moar on the Patrick Hamm scandal; for moar on Patrick Hamm)

September 22, 2009: Lena Chen tries (yet again--recall July 18, 2009 & July 20, 2008) to rationalize her claiming to be "poor" while megablogging photos of her jetsetting through Europe (again). "I probably have it better than most college students whose mothers are hotel maids," writes Lena Chen, prompting a reader to react accordingly: "Did you really type that? I guess children of hotel maids should have just been aborted before birth right? They don't need to pollute the world with their filth. You are so fucking clueless, I am glad I don't personally know you."

July 18, 2009: Lena Chen tries to "explain the haterade." Amusingly, Lena "Jetsetting to Europe/Buying Shit in New York/Stuffing My Face on Pricey Food in Philly" Chen lies that she
"had to work my ass off every term to have the same lifestyle as my college friends."
Sure, because all of our friends who "work their asses off" have SCADS
of time to post effervescent
self-indulgent twitter tweets about their
latest spending spree or upscale sushi gorgefest...Also, by "work my ass off," Lena seems to mean letting her sugar daddy Patrick Hamm spurt on her face and sex her against her will.

July 17, 2009: Horrified that readers discovered Lena's twitter that confessed her sexblog
was a "bad idea,"
Lena Chen attempts damage control. She posts a cunt-deep-in-denial
bit of navel-gazing to her sexblog, but the truth outs itself despite Lena's best
efforts. Lena's list of things she "lost because of it: I spent most of college disassociating
myself from my peers, physically running away (to New York, to Philadelphia,
abroad), and questioning my own sanity."
July 2, 2009: "I’ve never quite understood the idea of having a “type” when it comes to dating," sez Lena "the guys I fuck are white" Chen. One of the white guys who spurts his cum on her face is her teacher Patrick Hamm.

June 30, 2009: Lena "I'm so poor I need financial aid" Chen blogs about a $167 dress she bought on a shopping spree at Ilus. asdf

June 4, 2009: Lena "I was kicked out of Harvard my junior year" Chen blogs about "embracing her Ivy snobbery."

June 4, 2009: Lena blogs triffling tripe about whether "age is just a number." Needless to say, reader "Stacey" calls Lena Chen out on her BS. After getting the better of the argument, Stacey's comments are deleted.

June 4, 2009: Unable to secure a finance job, Lena "I flunked my Junior year" Chen blames her unemployability on "nepotism." (It's unclear why Lena is bitching when Patrick Hamm is her sugar daddy.)

May 19, 2009: Lena "I can only write about cock and pussy" Chen mocks the putative illiteracy of a poster she spotted at her former high school (Alhambra High School).

April 13, 2009: Lena Chen bitches constantly about imagined "violations" of her nonexistent "privacy"...then Lena Chen blogstalks a girlfriend of an ex-boyfriend of Lena's friend Kennedy. "They started dating on or about April 3," blogs the Junior Detective. (Oh, and Lena blogs about Kennedy's psychotic break, to boot.) Lena has also bitched that people actually followed all the breadcrumbs she dropped, and outed the teacher sexing her, Patrick Hamm.

July 20, 2008: Lena hysterically pleads poverty and insists she "works" for her money. Small problemo: Lena Chen forgets that she's already blogged that she receives an "ALLOWANCE" lol. (Some also speculate that Patrick Hamm, who ejaculates on Lena Chen's face, is her sugar daddy.)

June 10, 2008:Lena Chen tweets about her sexbuddy (and former teacher) Patrick's getting her drugs and a fake ID...then is miffed at the scandal which results. "Patrick," as everyone knows, refers to Lena's sugar daddy Patrick Hamm.

June 10, 2008: Lena posts her sexbuddy Patrick's running-time for the Boston Marathon (for which there's a well-known search engine)...then cries outrage when her sexbuddy, Patrick Hamm, is outed.

May 28, 2008: Lena Chen posts pictures of her cum-smeared face...then is upset at the "gawking." (The cum on her face was contributed by Lena Chen's teacher, Patrick Hamm.)

January 8, 2008: Lena expresses outrage over an ex-sexbuddy posting nude pictures of her...then Lena Chen posts a set of nude pictures of herself.

June 2, 2007: "The largest amount I’ve spent in one outing this semester," blogs Lena Chen, "was $400 and this is because a completely incompetent Kate Spade clerk overcharged me. Then Bank of America/my mother/the useless piece of plastic in my wallet got all pissy on my ass."

May 21, 2007: "Wait," blogs Lena Chen, "so living like a Sex and the City character is an unhealthy thing? Fuck."

May 3, 2007: In recapping the 07-08 school year, Lena Chen has a rare moment of clarity: "My romantic turmoil, depression, insecurities — all of it played out in the public sphere. I felt anxious all the time, could barely focus on my work, and finally, pulled away violently from everyone. Months later, the solution, as it turns out, is to actually not tell everyone everything. Surprise surprise." Lena Chen quickly forgets this obvious virtue. Surprise surprise.

April 27, 2007: "I refuse to have sex again until I’m in love," blogs Lena Chen. LULZ!!

April 5, 2007: Spoiled brat Lena Chen tantrums over people calling sexandtheivy a sex blog. "This is not a blog about sex," she whines, "it is a blog about life. Woe is me, I’m a misunderstood writer who’s been given the wrong label by the world!"

April 4, 2007: "I want my professional pursuits to have little to do with this website because if I actually make it in the ultra-competitive literary world, I’d like it to be a result of talent, not accidental fame or Harvard’s marketability," Lena Chen writes...but peppers her blogs with the H-bomb and never misses a chance to famewhore for sexandtheivy.

April 3, 2007: A brief article on Lena appears in a college newspaper. Lena looses this WTF-doozy: "I don't want what I start writing about to start impacting my personal life."

February 8, 2007: "I never really viewed [sexandtheivy] as a sex blog," says bullshitter Lena Chen

February 2, 2007: Lena blogs about a Cambridge college dating site. "guys inflicted with the yellow fever can narrow their options to Asian women," says Lena "the guys I fuck are white" Chen. Later, she ends up with her yellowfever sociology teacher Patrick Hamm, who actually says Patrick Hamm is only fucking Lena Chen because she's yellow.

November 11, 2006: Lena blogs about quitting sexandtheivy...then blogs again 4 days later.

October 17, 2006: Lena blogs about drunken hookups and rubbers sliding out of her pussy, de-anonymizes her blog...then is "horrified" when her 14-year-old sister's friends hear about the blog and humiliate Lena Chen's sister, Gina Chen ("It’s so awkward when people assume I’m some slut like you," says Gina Chen)

September 5, 2006: "I don't understand how anyone but the most voyeuristic of individuals could appreciate the new Facebook," writes Lena Chen...who then blogs her own nude photos, a picture of her semen-smeared face, and revels in the post-drunksex condom exiting her Gaping Gash.

September 1, 2006:
Lena is indignant over "catcalls"...then posts numerous slutty photos to her blog.

August 26, 2006: Lena names her blog sexandtheivy...then disavows comparisons to Carrie Bradshaw.

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