Sunday, October 23, 2016

Went to a Korean club yesterday. Acted a fool.

Date: October 23rd, 2016 1:04 PM
Author: .........,,,,,....,,,,......... (Retiring)

Walked up to this group of Chinese young professionals that included some fresh chicks. They were at a table with bottle service. All the dudes were wearing suits inside of this club. I asked what time the business conference started as I helped myself to some cantaloupe and liquor. Then I told this one chick I was a world renowned dentist and exchanged wechat with her. Then this one guy in the suit told me to "leave your ass out of here." Told him to make me. And he didn't do shit. Went home and texted the chick to come over. She gave the cold shoulder. Jacked off as I read beginner books on how to build a business.


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