Friday, October 14, 2016

NY Times: The Fear of Having a Son

Date: October 14th, 2016 8:40 AM
Author: Honest Enabler (Pederas†rian)

this is incredible faggotry, and I dare you to read the whole thing (I got through like 3 paragraphs)


Date: October 14th, 2016 10:26 AM
Author: Muscadine wine (R., S.C.)

If there is a better example of how liberalism is a form of self-hate, I haven't seen it.

I'm so sick of liberals. I'm tired of the faggotry. I'm tired of seeing NFL players wearing fucking pink and staging these faggot-tantrum protests. The thought of listening to HRC for the next 4/8 years take every anti-white male position she can with her bull-dyke low voice while dressed like Mao depresses me. I'm tired of every TV show needing to have gays on it. I'm tired of Muslims killing a bunch of innocent people every few months, then listen to people whine about Islamophobia. I could go on, but why? If there's something I've learned about life after 2010, whatever outrages are going on today, tomorrow's outrages will only be more egregious.

Why does America suck so bad and how did this happen? Our culture wasn't like this 10-15 years ago. Also, where does this end? The Left is seems absolutely dead set on exacerbating all known social divisions for political gain, and there doesn't seem to be any legitimate counterweight to it. What happens from here? You can talk about secession, but it's just nostalgia; there's just about as many faggoty shitlibs in South Carolina as there are anywhere else.

Even if Trump wins - which would be nice - the Left will do what they did during the Bush years (and then some), which is just push social division and anti-government protests. The Left doesn't care, they'll find anything to protest and scream about, it's just an excuse (remember anti-war protesters? They all went home in 2009 to change shirts to protest Wall Street or something, despite that the wars were still going on).

Bros, things just suck right now, and I'm sick of it.


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